Low Humidity? Keep a pale of water in your GrowRoom...


Junior Creatologist

So Ive had a problem with little or no humidity in my tent ever since i started my grow. today, in an attempt to maybe just blow some cooler air around the room since temps were kinda high, i filled a economy sized coffeecan full of ice, and put that shit into the tent. Now, obviously this didnt do a god damn thing to the tent temp wise, but after the ice melted, i kept the can in there(about 3/4 gal), and as it sat in there, the heat from my light evaporated the water slowly. Humidity went from LO to 35%, and its been constant for the last 12 hours.

This is better than having to get one of those sprayers that spritzes the room every ten minutes to keep shit humid, because with this there is no need to accidentally foliar feed your plants. With the intensity of an HID light shining on them, you could easily burn your plants if one water droplet stays on a leaf - magnifying glass effect. So i would say, just so other people might be able to testify to this - if your having humidity issues, throw a bucket of ice into your growroom. As it melts and evaporates, the humidity will get higher. Check it out :D



Active Member
humidity is extremely important. Plants respirate through tiny pores on their foliage. When doing so, the plant also loses a LOT of moisture through these pores, so much that their root system cant keep up and the plant will dry out. This is called the "dry air" effect. You can tell if your humidity is low because your leaves will start to dry up and shrivel off, or even the buds will dry up and fall off. Also, theres need for frequent watering. Rule of thumb, thinner your leaves need higher humidity. Thick, large, waxy, hairy leaves need less humidity. Thanks for asking the question, thats how ya learn!


Well-Known Member
yeah. well when i grow i lower the humidity, which in turn makes the plant believe it needs to retain moisture. When this is happening, and specifically during the flowering stage the plant produces more resin because it uses resin to retain moisture in the leaves and the buds. Good for us resin is packed full of THC. thats how ya learn.


Active Member
yeah. well when i grow i lower the humidity, which in turn makes the plant believe it needs to retain moisture. When this is happening, and specifically during the flowering stage the plant produces more resin because it uses resin to retain moisture in the leaves and the buds. Good for us resin is packed full of THC. thats how ya learn.

so your saying a plant needs low humidity.. aright.. ill go with that.. i guess it depends on what you expect out of your bud. Let me put it this way though.. all plants are hardwired to grow a certain way, they will all end up looking similar, not the same. A germination tray is a great example, or on a larger scale, a greenhouse. I think if everyone had a choice they would grow in a greenhouse, its by far the best way to grow anything be it tomatoes, potatoes, flowers, even that homegrown shit.. growing pot is no different than growing a rose bush or any other plant when it comes down to it.. they all need the same resources to live in the end. Now, establishing the fact that pot is no different than any other plant when it comes to essential resources.. why do you suppose that some of the most beautiful gardens in the world are indoor botanical gardens? If anyone has ever been to one, or ever been in a greenhouse, you probably remember it being very humid inside. If humidity was so bad, or if water was so bad, why do you suppose they keep their humidity so high? Why would they design greenhouses to trap humidity? Im not saying anything bad about your chronic or your methods though bro, im sure you grow some pretty bomb shit, much respect, but im just kinda throwing all this out there to start some conversation, or just get a little point poundin back and forth, i wanna hear what you got to say about growin... "thats how ya learn."



Well-Known Member
my humidity in summer goes to about 3-10% and in winter its 30-70%

i dont even bother with humidity i just grow them and the air changes humidity for me


New Member
35% RH is okay for thick tight colas, but way low for veg, and if you've never compared growth rates at 35% humidity and 70% humidity you just don't know what low humidity is. Get a sonic fogger or humidifier if you want to raise the humidity.


Well-Known Member
I've tried this bucket thing before to raise humidity, it didn't work for me at first. I was using a t5, and no ice. maybe that's why it didnt work. My humidity with the light off is 50% when the light is on it's at 30% or lower. Now that I have a Hps I will try it again. this time with ice.


Well-Known Member
to gnarlywabba, aren't we supposed to keep humidity low during flowering since high humid will promote budrot? I have grown thick colas in the summer with peak temps a little too high to be good and nothing to promote humidity, but i have never had any buds shrivel up and fall off lol

So trays of water don't promote humidity, or not enough?


Well-Known Member
Low Humidity during veg state is doing nothing but slow growth and endanger your plants imo. 50-60% RH is recomended by pretty much every grow guide I have read. In my closet grow the humidity is constantly at 35% and i have been trying to raise it with bowls of icewater and spraying the plants with a very fine mist.

Today or tomorrow i will find some rocks and a wide basin bowl or maybe even a 8x10 pan. I will fill the container i choose with rocks, and then halfway up with water. From some research i have been doing this sounds like the second best option to raise Humidity in my room (first being a Humidifier, which i would have if last weeks check wasn't rent check).


Well-Known Member
i keep my humidity in veg around 60-75 and flower 40-60 always works cherry..and the bucket with water is bs u gotta put to many damn buckets of water to even affect the humidity i'd go with dry ice


yeah. well when i grow i lower the humidity, which in turn makes the plant believe it needs to retain moisture. When this is happening, and specifically during the flowering stage the plant produces more resin because it uses resin to retain moisture in the leaves and the buds. Good for us resin is packed full of THC. thats how ya learn.
Thats why newbies dont know what to beleive when the go on these sights people like you. Some people live were there is literally below 10 humidity on average. If you get below 20 percent and your plants will die. They really prefer around 50 to 60% lowering it a little if you have pm or mold issues. But you really dont know what your saying so why be a smart ass.
I am a new grower and through trial and error I've found Relative humidity below 20% is very damaging to plants (it even says on the meter below 30% is unhealthy RH for humans and animals) and encourages a positive environment for pests. Low humidity and grow room temps above 75 will cause heat stress. Low humidity can also compound nutrient deficiencies, making the problem difficult to ID. Putting out a bucket of water did not work for me, I am buying a humidifier to bring the RH up to 55%. I've read mold and fungi can starts to thrive in RH above 70%. Trial and error seems to be the only reliable method to growing seeing this site has more opinions than facts.


Well-Known Member
I know this is an old thread, but maybe someone reading can shed some light on a problem I've been having. Make a long story short, in 5 years of growing I can't recall ever losing a seeding. I also can't recall starting a grow in the dead of winter either. I've been having nothing but problems. Lost at least very expensive seeds. This last round I have a few that made it about a month, but they look like they are 2 weeks old. They almost look like overwatering, but I know that isn't the case as I said I've been growing a few years now and I know I am not overwatering. If it is low humidity and the are retaining water, could that cause them to have syptoms of overwatering?


Well-Known Member
ok none of you guys seen to know anything. if you know something you would know that ALL !!!!!!!!! cannabis can be growin in 0 to 40% HUM every grow i have ever worried about the HUM in the room. and i dont have any problems because i dont listen to people that think because they grow 1 plant there all think there growers NO !!! so b4 you take the first thing people on hear say to you look it up first. so far i have seen many people lie to people give people the wrong info. from what i see there is to many fucking dick heads on hear fucking up people with shit info about crap they dont need to worrie about.


Well-Known Member
keep it under 70% mine was at 0 for month or so an cropped bug from it.
towel wet it
open window to let new air in etc. contacted me on skype i will send you a PDF of what you need to now