Low humidity at night?


Well-Known Member
Does low humidity even matter at night since stomata are closed? been hitting low 20%'s at night, 23% last night. Refilled the humidifiers and got it in check but still wondering if im just spinning my wheels here.


Well-Known Member
Less chance of mold issues and plant is asleep. During the days you would be at hier risque of low humidi stress. Leaf curling and such. And a to high humidity and night can also create side leaf cell to swell and claps. Morning dew effect of water leaving the leaf to protect its self and reabsorb the water in the morning. This process cannot happen and will look like the side burnt. When tbey are technicly blistered and will not rejuvinate. Leaf can then die. Main reason nkt to water at night or not doing foliar spdai at night. If humidi is low it ok. But if its high its degerous for plants health. Main reason it mor recommended to do so early when light just been turned on.


Well-Known Member
Leaf if plant should remain dry at night. Humidity also drop at cooler temperature. Raising temperatur of the plant with a eat pad ratter then a heater could help raise temoerature. Anywhere in the 30% 40% is good. But lower at night is okay.. Juat watch you humidity during de day. If all is ikay then don't worry too much