Respect to you
Question to everyone
First reaction to calm shit down or start beating people
Honestly me it's a situationally thing.
Have a thing happen Infront of me and I beat a dude down but he was close minded and a nature dick.
Please chime in and tell a small story
Question to everyone
First reaction to calm shit down or start beating people
Honestly me it's a situationally thing.
Have a thing happen Infront of me and I beat a dude down but he was close minded and a nature dick.
Please chime in and tell a small story
No textured boy proteinWhat is a nature dick?
Suede?No textured boy protein
The luxuriant crotch foliage serves to enhance the mighty trunk. Bunch a shorties.
ExperienceHow does the OP know about the guy's manbush?
Question to everyone
First reaction to calm shit down or start beating people
Honestly me it's a situationally thing.
Have a thing happen Infront of me and I beat a dude down but he was close minded and a nature dick.
Please chime in and tell a small story
and my mind immediately wonders if they are related socks!Fishloaf comments on Fishbulb. Only in TNT...