Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
my pms were taken away from me a while ago. thats why i dont journal here no more. i hang mostly at bubbleponics these dayz.
put i still like visit here now and then. got an art gallery and studio journal in the arts and crafts section over there. and i have full member priveys there , unlike here. so hit me up with a pm over there my friend. your girl looks tasty as always. much love and respect.... ambz
I just joined Bubbleponics but couldn't find you.


Well-Known Member
Global Bacon Shortage 'Unavoidable' Next Year, Says U.K.'s National Pig Association

From the acticle:
"With pork costs rising, Great Britain is facing a bacon and sausage shortage as pig farmers cut back on herd size. But the problem may soon become global."
Stop! Before you butcher your neighbor, it's just bacon and sausage! Relax! Geez!


Well-Known Member
Sure, he's talking about the cognac, but everything he says applies to the OGK of the same name... except with no annoying French accent.
Discreet like lace. That's what I say to the bud-tender at the dispensary. Yes, I'm looking for something "discreet like lace."


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah. Great way to start the week.

I still love you, Olivia.

I'll always love you... Even though you never read my fan letters, I'll keep sending one every day until the day I die.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what, I like Green Day a hell of a lot more than Usher, but alas, that is saying very, very little. Next time, Billy, why don't you play a real punk show where you'll get more respect? Oh, but wait, you already opened for Usher. Never mind.
Check out how he says "I've been around since..." and "You're gonna give me one fucking minute?" The other band members don't exist? What a prince.


Active Member
Hey, Cats and Kittens. Guess what? The real blog is finally up and running.
Well done Jin ! Pics are classy and as always .. properly Lit ! Just like us .. :eyesmoke: You've got the cure for purple flower-itis .. the need to see what's under pretty purple flowers ! :clap: There should be a R & D area for comparison experiment results .. i.e. Fluro vrs LED vrs HID .. OR Nutrient battle .. hydro vrs soil on growth rate .. etc.

Thanx from the Male perspective of cannabis ... after all .. it's All about the Ladies ! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well done Jin ! Pics are classy and as always .. properly Lit ! Just like us .. :eyesmoke: You've got the cure for purple flower-itis .. the need to see what's under pretty purple flowers ! :clap: There should be a R & D area for comparison experiment results .. i.e. Fluro vrs LED vrs HID .. OR Nutrient battle .. hydro vrs soil on growth rate .. etc.

Thanx from the Male perspective of cannabis ... after all .. it's All about the Ladies ! :leaf:
Thanks, man. It was easier to do than I thought once I got going.

That's a good idea. I've been thinking about expanding by adding new sections on the header. R&D, huh? Soil vs. Hydro? Do I really need to go there? Lol!


Active Member
Soil vs. Hydro? Do I really need to go there? Lol!
Nah .. after run'n ur set up .. Hell Naw :fire:!!!!! Just thot it would make a good section to see 'contributors' on. They'd have to submitt their parameters along with side by side photos and results, yield, smk rpt .. etc. Maybe 'others' will be willing to give up their space for the greater-ment (is that a word ? naw .. Robert-ism) of the cannabis community. While the readership benefits from the Proven results. There should be enough diversity here on RIU to find .. the best of the best. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Nah .. after run'n ur set up .. Hell Naw :fire:!!!!! Just thot it would make a good section to see 'contributors' on. They'd have to submitt their parameters along with side by side photos and results, yield, smk rpt .. etc. Maybe 'others' will be willing to give up their space for the greater-ment (is that a word ? naw .. Robert-ism) of the cannabis community. While the readership benefits from the Proven results. There should be enough diversity here on RIU to find .. the best of the best. :bigjoint:
Hey, I'm all for user submissions. I'm an open book.

I'll think about the new section some more... You've already given me a good idea.


Active Member
By the way .. Mosh is stuuuuuuuuning ! Sharp lines .. soft skin .. and just the right amount of contrast in old world look with modern 'rock'a billy' look. Don't know if it was ur mastery of light or she's just got reallllly soft skin ?


Well-Known Member
By the way .. Mosh is stuuuuuuuuning ! Sharp lines .. soft skin .. and just the right amount of contrast in old world look with modern 'rock'a billy' look. Don't know if it was ur mastery of light or she's just got reallllly soft skin ?
It won't surprise you that I think pretty highly of my lighting abilities, but her skin was like porcelain, making my job really, really easy. I swear, I would just press the shutter and a good picture came out every time. Not all models have this.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney Wonders Why Ann Romney's Airplane Windows Don't Roll Down


From the article:
“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were,” Romney told the paper. “When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly."

Romney said the biggest problem in a distressed aircraft is that "the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous."

The main reason airplane windows don't open is because there isn't enough oxygen at cruising altitude to keep passengers alive. (The fear of window or cabin failures, which would lead to potentially fatal hypoxia, is why many planes are equipped with emergency oxygen masks.)

"You can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open," Romney told the Times, suggesting that additional oxygen in the cabin during the electrical malfunction could've alleviated the problem. In fact, if there were an electrical fire on board, additional oxygen would have fed the flames.
He's nothing more than a spoiled rich kid with a silver spoon and his foot in his mouth. He's not a smart man.

I wonder if George W. Bush wonders why airline windows don't roll down?

Scary fucking shit. Did anyone, even for a second, think this guy had a chance at beating Barry?


Active Member
" her skin was like porcelain, making my job really, really easy. I swear "

Oh Yes.. I feel for you in that TERRIBLE job u have of shooting nude porcelain models and grow'n crip medicine ! .. Oh the Agony ! the Horror .. :wall: I just wanna be the exposure tester/ lighting adjuster/ ass powder-er! :hump:

Have you tried the tea yet ? :grin: