Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

so what did he state, as an example... the people from Austria generally tend to be more "conservative" than us Germans because we are getting more lectured about learning from the past, due to the second world war. actually, it's not that bad as it sounds... for example, a guy like Biden would also be viewed as "mildly right conservative" in our political landscape... someone like Cory Booker perhaps the middle ... take it with a grain of salt... don't hold any real indepth knowledge on those too.... but someone like Kavanaugh would be unthinkably here, esp. as Supreme Judge WTF
It was back in '92 so i dont recall much of the conversation. Just typical Aryan views, violent fella.

It is great that the past is taught to the Germans. Funnily enough i mentioned that to my mates wifes farther who is German and he got all defensive which i found strange. Maybe understandable when you think about the jibes he probably had to put up with most of his life i spose.
There is growing talk here for Australians to be taught the truth of what we did to the Aboriginals. Allot of what i was taught for eg is just pure rubbish made up by the English.

Our politics in Australia is more to the left of American. Our Liberal party is our conservative party and our left party is the Labor party (social democratic party in the main). We dont have a party thats as backwards and as conservative as their Republican party. American politics seems to move more to the right every cycle.
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Our politics is Australia is more to the left of American. Our Liberal party is our conservative party and our left party is the Labor party (social democratic party in the main). We dont have a party thats as backwards and as conservative as their Republican party. American politics seems to move more to the right every cycle.

Very similar in nature to Canada by the sound of it.
Very similar in nature to Canada by the sound of it.
Canadians, Aussies and Kiwis all get on so well and have basically the same social views. We are very different from Americans i think.

Even FB is a great example of that. Yanks post a shit load about "dont take my guns" and "Thanks for your service" "No to min wage increases" for eg. You dont get that on Canadian, aussie or NZ pages as a rule.
Canadians, Aussies and Kiwis all get on so well and have basically the same social views. We are very different from Americans i think.

Even FB is a great example of that. Yanks post a shit load about "dont take my guns" and "Thanks for your service" "No to min wage increases" for eg. You dont get that on Canadian, aussie or NZ pages as a rule.

Industry involvement in public education is not new. As early as the 1940s, the industry's largest and most powerful lobby group targeted K through 12 schools as a key element of its fledgling marketing strategy. By the 1960s, the American Petroleum Institute was looking to shake its reputation as a "monopoly which reaped excessive profits" and set out to cultivate a network of "thought leaders" that included educators, journalists, politicians and even clergy, according to an organizational history copyrighted by API in 1990.

Dumbing down is the lesson plan here in the states.
Wasnt it the US cotton industry that greatly drove the ban of Cannabis before the great wars broke out?
Then for some time it got allowed again ("Hemp for victory"), then criminalised again... plus alot of other shit ("Speed kills"), now, due to capitalistic reasons, decriminalisation continues....
And basically many banned substances are prescribed by doctors, anyway... as there is no alternative.
So just when you observe that the very same thing changed from good -> bad -> good -> bad -> good... and that, just within a century, you know the whole scheme is fishy... :/
Wasnt it the US cotton industry that greatly drove the ban of Cannabis before the great wars broke out?
Then for some time it got allowed again ("Hemp for victory"), then criminalised again... plus alot of other shit ("Speed kills"), now, due to capitalistic reasons, decriminalisation continues....
And basically many banned substances are prescribed by doctors, anyway... as there is no alternative.
So just when you observe that the very same thing changed from good -> bad -> good -> bad -> good... and that, just within a century, you know the whole scheme is fishy... :/
Hearst, Melon and DuPont came together and got it outlawed in about three years. Here is the cookie cutter version of what happened. Actual history has a lot more crumbles around the edges. . . . . .

There had just been a big breakthrough in the hammermills used to turn hemp into paper. Lots less manpower was needed, so it was going to be cheaper. Melon had just bought millions of acres of timber. Hearst needed the paper for his growing newspaper, (and was able to use his paper to turn the country against cannabis). DuPont had just discovered an new chemical process to turn pulpwood into paper. The rest, as they say, is history.
Canadians, Aussies and Kiwis all get on so well and have basically the same social views. We are very different from Americans i think.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the US and I would have to disagree. Most of the Americans I know have very similar social views to ours. You can see it with the majority of Americans on this forum.

The political system itself is dramatically flawed as the polarization of the two party system inherently creates division. I think it was Jefferson who warned of this. Maybe Adams.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the US and I would have to disagree. Most of the Americans I know have very similar social views to ours. You can see it with the majority of Americans on this forum.

The political system itself is dramatically flawed as the polarization of the two party system inherently creates division. I think it was Jefferson who warned of this. Maybe Adams.
Most people in here talking shit aren't Americans. You're a perfect example.