Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

Hmmm so Trump colluded with Russia but the US government with all their agencies could find no evidence of him colluding with Russia but you call him stupid apparently he has to be one of the smartest people on the planet you can't defend your own argument
oh so the hundreds of secret meetings with Russia weren’t collusion

I guess I just misread that email todon junior titled “hey let’s do some colluding”

Like I said you're not black you haven't lived my life you don't know how it felt to have a black man in that office that's the highest office on this planet so yes I was proud his policies were crap to me

I worked in an office where I was the only white guy amongst Asians, they fucking hated me. I think it is sometimes just mob mentality. Im not against you, and I cannot empathize with you because the USA, Canada other places are racist to blacks and first nations people, and its been ingrained....its hard listening to parents uncles aunts talking shit....you become desensitized. Its wrong. Im sorry my friend, for the shit you've gone through. The only problem I have is that i have friends of all colors. I also have enemies of all colors. I hate certain people cause thay are fucking pricks, Not because they're of a certain colour. Peace homie, if your a good guy im your friend, if your an asshole...you get the pic.
Capitalism gives you a choice to purchase what you want to purchase with your money is it racist not to go to Burger King versus McDonald's are you discriminating against Burger King if you want to eat McDonald's
Capitalism gives you a choice to purchase what you want to purchase with your money is it racist not to go to Burger King versus McDonald's are you discriminating against Burger King if you want to eat McDonald's
Thats a free market with equal wages, capitalism is having shit built in countries where labor is cheap. Having a middle man slap 3000% on it and saying it's built in the USA.
That's why tariffs are imposed to make it equal :o free trade is not equal trade why is China still a "developing" country they have slave labor
Capitalism gives you a choice to purchase what you want to purchase with your money is it racist not to go to Burger King versus McDonald's are you discriminating against Burger King if you want to eat McDonald's
You aren't American. According to the standard "slang" terminology, where I live and grew up, I am supporting the ethnic population by eating El Donalds, Beaner King or Taco Black. Sad but true. Texted daily deciding lunch today for thousands. Thats because industry exploited them due to race. And people called it as they saw it.
I have a degree in chemical engineering from IU Bloomington 1999 I went to the AF in 2001 after 9/11/2001 what have you done to help anything your probably on your mons wifi
Wow so your saying people of color only work at fast food restaurants and im a rasict
Exclusively until the late 90's. Then fast food giants began exploiting seniors unable to live on social security and medicaid. But the racial slurs still exist. Live a few more decades before you claim omnipotence. I bet you choose humility then. I'm trying. More people should.
It is no longer the free market once you introduce new Market's like China China has slave labor that's why they have suicide Nets outside their jobs but Americans like cheap shit