Lots of Questions about growing. **Pictures**


So I have been growing 8 plants for about 2 - 4 months as an experiment. They have been growing this long due to me not knowing much about growing as well have been on a 24/0 scheduel. Ill show you a few pictures of my setup which I know is not the best. My tallest plants are 18 - 21 inches and the smaller ones are about 11 -13 inches. I know I need bigger pots and that Im doing a lot of things wrong but what Im asking for is help on how I can improve everything and how I can get some bud off of these if possible. Thanks in advance! bongsmilie :joint:



Active Member
get em into 3-5gal pots with some good organic soil, water them only when they need it after transpalnt. veg for another week or two at 24/0 then put them on 12 12 under the best light you got and hope for the best. If they look like they need more food, give it to em. Good luck


get em into 3-5gal pots with some good organic soil, water them only when they need it after transpalnt. veg for another week or two at 24/0 then put them on 12 12 under the best light you got and hope for the best. If they look like they need more food, give it to em. Good luck
Thanks for the comment. Ive been watering them pretty good I do know that my biggest problem is the pots but Im still curious on how I can get them to bush out more or does that not matter? Also I do know that the best looking plants which are the dark green 5 leaved ones are females :D Which someone told me that it will be some dank weed? Is this correct or what?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That someone was wrong. You can't tell sex from the number of leaflets on a fan leaf. Your BIGGEST problem as I see it is getting whatever you're using for a light a whole lot closer to them. They are REALLY stretched out. Then get more of those lights. You can get them bushier by topping them, usually you do that at the fourth or fifth node. I agree about the good organic nutes.
What are you using as a light source? CFLs at the least I hope. And what are you feeding them? You are apparently doing OK there as you haven't killed them in 4 months. Light and pots are the biggest problems I see.


Thanks for the comment. Ive been watering them pretty good I do know that my biggest problem is the pots but Im still curious on how I can get them to bush out more or does that not matter? Also I do know that the best looking plants which are the dark green 5 leaved ones are females :D Which someone told me that it will be some dank weed? Is this correct or what?
They've grown tall and spindley as they're trying to stretch up to the light, which either isn't bright enough or is too far away from the plants for them to thrive. If you want them to grow bushier at this stage you'll need bigger pots, more blue-spectrum light, and more vegging time. If you want a decent yield it might be a good idea to use some height-control techniques such as LST or topping along with the brighter lighting and a few more weeks of vegging to get shorter plants with a nice dense leaf canopy before you flower them. Have a look at the leaf canopy from above and see how good the coverage is. Ideally you want minimal gaps in the canopy so that as much of the available light as possible is falling on leaf surface (and not the pots or the floor) when you switch to flowering.

Unless the dark green plants were grown from clones of known female plants, or were grown from feminized seeds, then it's probably too early to tell if they're male or female. You'll be able to tell the difference easily once you flower them. You'll need to then weed out and destroy all the males if you want to get decent bud. If you allow your females to be polinated by the males you'll get shitloads of seeds and little or no decent bud.

Good luck with the grow :)


Active Member
Yeah homey the single shop light aint gonna cut it. Good learning. I did that my first time. time to step it up tho. some of those leaves look nice. but overall, it aint lookin like its gonna be worth your time.


Thanks for all of the replies. What do you guys mean by topping them? Also I have been trimming the dead leaves off of them which is why they might look kinda crappy right now. But here is my lighting setup and what I'm feeding them. The blue water is fertilizer and the bag is obvious lol. Also I can see white hairs coming off of some of them which is why I thought those were females and are they right about dark green leaves and 5 leafed equals dank budz or does the color of the plant and how many leafs it has not matter what so ever?



Active Member
white hairs coming from your nodes DOES mean it's a female so congrats :) but no the leaf color and 5 leafed thing means nothing


Active Member
Topping them is when you cut a plant in half pretty much. Honestly dude your lights are not going to be strong enough. You can get those lights for 10 bucks at home depot. and the bulbs may or may not be the right ones for either vegging or for flowering. You need several more of them. Got a lot of reading up to do man.


Topping them is when you cut a plant in half pretty much. Honestly dude your lights are not going to be strong enough. You can get those lights for 10 bucks at home depot. and the bulbs may or may not be the right ones for either vegging or for flowering. You need several more of them. Got a lot of reading up to do man.
I know I dont have the right light... :\ But we will see what happens I guess lol and what do you mean cutting them in half? I guess Ill Google it some.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Topping is generally done when the plant hits either the fifth or sixth node, and involves taking the very top (apical meristem) off at the node. The reason this is done is that auxin (a hormone that governs apical dominance) is produced in the apical meristem. Auxin inhibits side growth (among many other functions), making the main Cola dominant. When you reduce the levels of auxin, side growth is more pronounced, thus "bushing" out the plant. The main then becomes 2 mains, and the side growth will catch up to the mains, giving a nice, even canopy.
You've gone well past that point, although I see no reason it couldn't still be done to promote more branching. I doubt you'd get the 2 mains tho. I could be wrong since I've never topped at so late a stage. Maybe someone else can chime in on it.


Topping is generally done when the plant hits either the fifth or sixth node, and involves taking the very top (apical meristem) off at the node. The reason this is done is that auxin (a hormone that governs apical dominance) is produced in the apical meristem. Auxin inhibits side growth (among many other functions), making the main Cola dominant. When you reduce the levels of auxin, side growth is more pronounced, thus "bushing" out the plant. The main then becomes 2 mains, and the side growth will catch up to the mains, giving a nice, even canopy.
You've gone well past that point, although I see no reason it couldn't still be done to promote more branching. I doubt you'd get the 2 mains tho. I could be wrong since I've never topped at so late a stage. Maybe someone else can chime in on it.
Well Ill try it and see what happens. If everything makes it through and I actually get budz Ill for sure post pictures of everything cause this has been one crazy experiment lol.