Lots of holes in leaves...please help identify! (pic)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, the other day I noticed some of the leaves on my plants have lots of holes in them. There are quite a lot of leaves on some/most of my plants that look like this, any ideas? I am using soil with sub's super-soil recipe only so I don't think it's nute burn, plus I don't see yellow just clean holes. The only options I can think of are some sort of pest, or maybe the fact I have been burning sulpher quite a bit because of some powdery mildew. Any ideas? Thanks!2014-03-23 10.11.54.jpg


Active Member
Very much doubt that your problem are bugs. since the holes are too uniform. I am not familiar with the sub super soil, but if it is not 100% organic then I would take a close look at your nutes. I only use fish emulsion, in conjunction with worm castings.. To my eye it looks like a burn of some sort.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the civil, intelligent interaction on this thread.
I agree with several of the posters here.
Yes, it is possible to keep a plant green through it's entire life cycle, however it requires some finesse.
Sometimes we jump to over-analyze potential problems and by over correcting, we cause more undue stress to the plant.
The yellow lower leaves are not normal, and it is likely because of overwatering and possible nitrogen def , but overall other than it's diminutive stature, the plant is relatively healthy.
I would add a little kelp to help the roots uptake nutes and let it ride.
I use my finger to determine dryness of soil medium as well.
I grow in Berger BM6, which is a peat/perlite blend like Sunshine.
It has virtually no nutes and I must feed early and often.
It is a lot like hydro in that regard.
I too, used to get some yellowing of leaves. It took some time and adjustments, but most my plants finish "clean and green" now.
I still get different strains that do it to me in flower sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a leaf such as the one in the photo. Where on the plant is this occurring? The other affected leaves....are they in the same area? I had a weird thing going on with a few of my leaves (not like this one) where I discovered they were flat against the outside wall of my cellar....which at the time was probably 55 degrees (outside temps were below zero). Could this leaf and other be touching something that isn't making it very happy?