Loss Of Data

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wtf is the big deal really?? ffs, even sony got hacked.. shit happens, it's the interwebs, lots of bored fuckers looking to fuck shit up.. no biggy imo, move on..
so we lost a month of info, could have been a lot worse imo..

I only lost one that's right 1 post! I've posted more today after it came back on than I have in the past two months. I said I hope it doesn't make the site RIP, Obviously I'm still here posting...
Up until February I was an asshole troll, so this worked out well for me !

hi, my name is pharmacoping, and I do my work high.


* I'am pissed off! So much of my work, time, effort and pics etc have vanished or changed for the worse. Whilst I under-stand its not directly RIU's fault (although if the site was kept up-to date ~ it'd've be less likely to be hacked) .. However I am on the fence as to whether to stay, or pack my bags thank-you for my great times here and sadly walk away :( ?!

I do have some questions though... will the hackers be hunted down? Are there any more site modifications in the pipe-line any-time soon ie/ skins, layout, adding/removing features and the random 'now when you upload pics they come out as thumbnails instead of full size pics' ???

I really dont want to leave but feel raped of alot of my hard work :( - STELTHY :leaf:
It went down for me after shortly after I went into a thread about anonymous and 11/5 and nazi banksters. Then I started getting redirected to a youtube video about the nazi banksters when I clicked any links in riu. Kinda interesting video actually. Seems like anonymous is trying to spread information to the open minded people of society although I don't agree with their methods.
omg, oh no, some random person has some made up email addy that i used to register to this site with.... ahhhhh, run for my life, lock the doors, lock the windows... put the plants in the trash compactor...do it now...

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! ** LIKE!! **

Not smoking enough cannabis makes people paranoid.
No worries RIU, I have a vb site as well and DDoS attacks are the norm it seems. One time I had to restore a backup that was 6 months old; you can imagine the outrage by the members. I feel your pain guys, don't worry about it though, words can be rewritten and the passion for growing will always be there so nothing was lost my friends. Let's keep on growing and move on. :)

This wasn't a ddos attack. ddos = denial of service. It's done by hitting the site with thousands of requests simultaneously. This was an exploit attack, nobody was denied service, the attackers just modified a bunch of shit.
What, you mean I have to start over AND not have access to the earth-shattering, mind-blowing, one-of-a-kind "Connor Pot Charles Cannabis Growing Method"? I was so close to seeing my plants grow 5" per day! Damn you all, damn you all to hell!

ohshit did that REALLY get lost? oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooo
it really is 2012
and it really is the end of the worldddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
everyone assume the position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha -Anonymous hacked all our shit! funny shit

At least it was Anonymous.... they would be the last ones to care that we're growing
(Like) lol :) yeah that crossed my mind LOL :) .... I doubt it though lol, :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Yea I know what your saying stelthy. My grow thread had alot of notes I made to hold on to and keep track of how I do things and how it works out and whatnot.

Only one month gone though... That's not too too bad
i don't like the instability that's been going on lately. don't care about losing posts, pictures, whatever. i am however amazed at the number of times riu is "offline" for one reason or another. i do feel somewhat compromised. tell me to not let the virtual door hit me in the ass on the way out if you want but i for one am seriously considering jumping off the unstable boat :peace:
I guess I can kinda understand that scenario. Although, I keep everything I want saved in an excel file on my external hdd...
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