Losing My Virginity. Growing For The First Time.


Active Member
Hey thanks man!
Feels great knowing one finally has independence from the local teenage drug dealer.

Here are a few pics I took last night.

Since the circulation and exhaust fans are both on 24/7, I decided to get rid of the excess power bar and timers.
They are looking better every day.
Pics again next watering.

Thanks for watching and any opinions ;)


Hey bro nice grow you got goin on

If you havent found a carbon filter yet take a look @ my in room scrubber..
You can mount it onto your existing exhaust fan if you need..

Oh & you can get EVERYTHING from Cdn tire ;)
What you need is a floor duct with 4" outlet..
Wire mesh screen
4" endcap
and the silver duct tape not regular duct tape..
and the active carbon filter found in the A/C section
make a couple 2-3 wraps around the 4" end cap with the wire mesh the more wraps the more sturdy
tape it tight to the endcap
before putting the rectangle floor piece into the mesh I bent it & taped it to the fan.
Then taped the wire mesh to the 4" floor piece.
I wrapped 2 layers of carbon mesh over the wire mesh works like a hot damn.
I however have it pushing thru the filter but if sucking it thru is better I'll switch it over to the other side..



Active Member
Hey Sid! Thanks for that info m8!
I am beginning to catch small whiffs throughout the house. The wife has not mentioned it, but I don't know how much longer that will last lol.
My only concern with the activated carbon pre-filters are the actual amount of carbon in them and their overall effectiveness.
You say it actually works well? In your pic, you don't even have all the mesh covered. Is that cause of a back pressure issue with the fan you are using?
If I am understanding the construction of the filter right, the only important part of the filter is the pre-filter wrap? The rest is simply for stability and connection?
I am picturing cutting that pre-filter in circles and using simply an end cap with holes cut out and maybe some screen or something to keep it in place to hold the filter and not get sucked into the fan blades. Or even easier, tape it over the inside and outside of the fan and leave it like that. How well does that pre-filter breath? I mean, how much does it slow the flow of air?
Again, thanks for the comments and input m8. Very much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I had my room wake both my wife and me up the other night due to the odor. And my room is in a separate building.

The next night a friend calls at about 11:00 to tell me that he is walking home, a half block from my house and the smell was awesomely overwhelming even that far away. Bit the bullet and bought a Carbon Scrubber filter and it was like hitting a switch. Smell is completely gone.

I looked into going the cheap route and building my own as described above but if you research this route deeper you will find a lot of people that were unsatisfied with their HD builds. I wasn't looking to cut down on the smell, I was looking to eliminate it and I did. If you already have the fan, I suggest dropping the 150 bones on the real deal. You will be happy that you did.


Active Member
Thanks BendBrewer. I have 6 plants in there and your right, I don't want to make one just for it to not work well enough...
I have seen them cheaper than 150 though, you including shipping in that quote?. I will have to look around and see whats available in my area.
I may have no choice but to order it online. And thinking about it... have you ever taken apart one that you bought and used then replaced the carbon that was inside of it?
If that is a possibility, I will defiantly purchase one. But for the price of duct taping some pre-filter over the fan, can't hurt to do it for the time being...
Again, thanks for that insight BendBrewer. I have read every DIY carbon filter thread I think, and you confirmed my reasoning for not building one of these already.

P.S. My next grow or the one after will be dwc, modeled after yours ;)


Well-Known Member
I got the 6 x 24 at my LHS for 163 bucks. Flange is built in. Works like a champ. You might be able to get a smaller one.


I asked the guy about repacking them and he said some people do it but it's a hassle and difficult to get it compacted as tight as the manufactures can thus it won't work as well. It works so well I am just going to add it to my yearly re-supply list along with bulbs.


Active Member
"The ionic air purifier will take some of the smell away, but a lot of people say that it damages trichomes."

Is this true? I read it on one of the other forums and I have not seen it before. I have a Ionizer in my box right now... Should I turn the ionizer on the fan off?

They also said that a passive intake should be 3-4 times larger than the surface of the exhaust fan. Does that sound right?
Right now, my passive exhaust is almost 1:1 with my exhaust. I figured, the negative pressure would would be beneficial to ensure that air ONLY gets out of the box through the exhaust fan.
Should I drill more holes to increase my passive intake?


Well-Known Member
You dont need an air purifier. With proper ventilation, an air purifier wont even have a chance to burp in the air let alone cycle all of it before your exhaust fan does. Dont worry about your intake, it'll suck in air through the cracks of the box. If you feel like the fan is stressing with the box closed, THEN you may install some holes in it, but do them as holes with some garden sized hose openings that way external light doesnt get inside........ Remember, once your in flower, if the plants get any light during their 12 hour dark period, you may end up with seedy hermies instead! So lets keep the box sealed as we can. :)


Active Member
The grow box is located in the corner of my basement. The window is blocked, stopping most of the light, so no light on the box, and barley any at all on that side of the basement during lights out. I have noticed though that some of the pistels have swollen up and are also being coated with crystals. Is this normal?
LOL, I didn't even think about the effectiveness of the ionizer considering the exhaust fan. I will turn off the ionizer tonight. It is part of the circulation fan, but is independently controlled. That will save a tiny bit of hydro and remove my worry about damaging those trics.
I have decided that I will try my original idea for my carbon scrubber (post 47) until I can get enough cash to dish out on a pre made one. Will only cost me maybe $30, and considering the size of my box, should be pretty effective. If not, well it's only about $30 and should help at least until I get a proper one. I just don't think that the pre-filter type of activated carbon filter would be sufficient. I will be using the actual carbon crumbs which I think will be much much better. I will post the effectiveness either way just to let you all know how it works.
Last night was the first night ever I didn't look at the plants. The wife got home late and I was too tired to stare at them for an hour, so I just went to bed. I can't really enjoy my time down there when the kids are upstairs unsupervised...
Tonight it will be 48 hours since I saw them, also 48 hours since I used the molasses. I have no idea what to expect, I am actually pretty excited.
I will post again tonight after I pay them a visit.
My exhaust fan is very slightly stressed by the passive intake, but I expect the back pressure of the carbon filter to basically even things out.
Let me know if you think my expectation is flawed.
Thanks again Kitty ;)
And anyone else watching and/or willing to advise.
As always, very much appreciated.


Hey Sid! Thanks for that info m8!
I am beginning to catch small whiffs throughout the house. The wife has not mentioned it, but I don't know how much longer that will last lol.
My only concern with the activated carbon pre-filters are the actual amount of carbon in them and their overall effectiveness.
You say it actually works well? In your pic, you don't even have all the mesh covered. Is that cause of a back pressure issue with the fan you are using?
If I am understanding the construction of the filter right, the only important part of the filter is the pre-filter wrap? The rest is simply for stability and connection?
I am picturing cutting that pre-filter in circles and using simply an end cap with holes cut out and maybe some screen or something to keep it in place to hold the filter and not get sucked into the fan blades. Or even easier, tape it over the inside and outside of the fan and leave it like that. How well does that pre-filter breath? I mean, how much does it slow the flow of air?
Again, thanks for the comments and input m8. Very much appreciated!
The filter actually does cover the entire open mesh..
Both ends have about 2 inches of the duct tubing inside the mesh wire..
So instead of cutting the filter I just cut the mesh to match the thickness of the carbon filter..
This way I didnt have scrap pieces of carbon filter wasted

It does hinder the airflow but that means its working...You dont want air blasting thru it & not being cleaned..
I have mine on medium setting & I can just barely feel the air coming out I heard it lasts as long as 3 months..


Active Member
LOL, just looked weird without that knowledge ;)
So how does it work for you? Total odor control?
I was thinking that the crushed carbon would most likely be more effective than the carbon pre-filter.
And if it lasts 3 months, then the crushed carbon would be overall cheaper too.
Which type do you think would perform better>?


To be honest I have no idea which is better I may get some of that crushed carbon & maybe put it inside one of the wife's stockings then into the wire mesh for even more odor control..
Then I could crank the fan to full.
The only time I can smell it is when the closet room gets hot then things start to get a bit ripe..lol
but I also have no exhaust fan sucking the air out just a oscillating fan along with this filter in the closet..
They do get fresh air tho as I keep the door & windows open


Well-Known Member
To be honest I have no idea which is better I may get some of that crushed carbon & maybe put it inside one of the wife's stockings then into the wire mesh for even more odor control..
Then I could crank the fan to full.
The only time I can smell it is when the closet room gets hot then things start to get a bit ripe..lol
but I also have no exhaust fan sucking the air out just a oscillating fan along with this filter in the closet..
They do get fresh air tho as I keep the door & windows open
That really isnt fresh air, though. That's just stale air that moves here and there. If the leaves arent fluttering, they need more air flow. And fluttering of the same air doesnt count =) =)


No no I do have another fan blowing on the plant tops the scrubber is just on a shelf in the closet to cut down the smell
The fresh air comes in thru the closet door lol & the open window ;)


Active Member
Ok, here are a few "macro" shots I took.
I hope I did it right.

Things look pretty good in there. I have just noticed a few things though.
On two leaves that I could see, there is one small brown spot on one finger.
Also there looks to be some small leaves twisting slightly.
And I still have some burnt tips.
I will research on this now and post what I think. Anyone else's on those is super appreciated!

Edit: After some research, I think that I am developing a magnesium deficiency. That explains those few small brown spots I saw, as well as the beginnings of some leaf twist.
The cure is simple, Epson Salt with my next watering.
Yet I am slightly confused... LOL.
Some say 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, some say 1 Tablespoon.
is likely the correct information and says to use 1 tablespoon, but I don't want to give them too much, and the issue is in its very early stages, so I think 1/2 a tablespoon per gallon is what I am going to give them. Unless someone can advise me otherwise.

I have a PH tester in the mail as we speak, but it's not likely to arrive middle of next week (after my next water).
Should I lay off the nutes next watering and use the Epson salt and the molasses only? Or should I just add the Epson salt to the mix? Or Epson salt only?
Until I get my PH tester, trying to correct any other issue would be futile. Rule of thumb seems to be to fix PH before anything else.

Again, thanks for any advise/opinions.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I grow in Hydro and have NEVER TRIED soil..... That said:

I doubt you have a deficiency of magnesium. If the plants are slightly burned at the tip would indicate a little too much nutrients. But, if its just at the very tips and only at a few do nothing, they like higher ppm as they flower......... Make sure someone backs this up before you do though, with the disclaimer on it and all. :)


Active Member
haha i'd have to agree with kitty on this one. i dont think you have a magnesium def. either.....the curled leaves and burnt tips usually indicates slight nute burn. you'll notice alot growers have slightly burnt tips on one plant or another , especially once your into flowering, they will tolerate alot of nutes!
but it can't hurt to add a SAMLL amount of epsom salt in your next watering. just 1/2 - 1 teaspoon per gallon tho dont over do it. a little (calcium + magnesium) goes along waY! and you dont want to have salt build up too fast before your pre-harvest flush (which should be what at least another couple weeks away for you??)
maybe knock off to 3/4 strength nutes for your next watering if your concerned, but i would still go full strength molasses.


Well-Known Member
Hey Nice grow man. Just germinated my first seeds ever and am growing in a very similar fashion so this thread has been very helpful. Especially the ventilation conversation as i expect to come across some of the same issues. Anyways just wanted to say Way to G"r"ow

Peace PyspherE
PS. Good luck with harvest


Active Member
Yes, some leaves do have slightly burnt tips, and I was under the impression that they are basically telling me they are at their limit. So I am not too worried about the ferts. The soil we use is usually deficient in magnesium in the first place, so I read.. And the small brown spots and leaf twist I speak of is indicative of a Mag deficiency. I also get the impression that provided you don't over do it, adding Epson salt while growing in soil is overall beneficial to the plants even if you are not particularly deficient.
Nothing really to worry about at this point in time. I am going to use all three (ferts, molasses, and Epson salt) next watering (tomorrow night). And If I have any further issues, I will flush.
I'll make note of any changes later tonight when the lights come on.

Edit: Holy cow 2 responses during my typing lol. Thanks guys!
Ok, I will keep with the nutes. That's what I thought.
How much molasses should I be using? I used a little less than 1 tablespoon per gallon last time.
And you say 1/2 - 1 teaspoon Epson salt? NOT 1/2 - 1 tablespoon?
And if I understand it correctly, this will probably be the only time I use the Epson salt right? Maybe once more, but probably not. Is that right?
Yeah, I got at least another 3-4 weeks, more likely 5, 6 or 7. I really don't know. But I know they still need at least another 3-4 weeks.

Thanks a lot guys!
And don't forget to thank Kitty for that ventilation discussion!


Active Member
I'm interested to see how things turn out for you. It looks like you take problems with a very methodical, professional approach... good luck! Sub'd.