Losing My Virginity. Growing For The First Time.


Active Member
Ok. Last night I took the last 5 down. Here they are trimmed and drying.

Here is a piece from the sample I took almost a week ago that is fairly dry. Beginning to taste much more fruity as it

dries more.

Here is all the trim. Because of the low light penatration of the tubes I used, there was a fair amount of little buds

that went into that box. I should get a nice little piece of hash from this box.

Little bit of scissor hash, mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I did not weigh anything, and I still don't know what the yeild will be. Any bets?
At the start of this, I was hoping for a minimum of 4 ounces. About halfway through I figured I should be able to get a

ounce per plant. If you ask me, I would say that there is atleast 6 ounces there dried, probably more.
So, how much do you think there will be dried? ;)
My guess is 6 ounces.
I will weigh them on the probably on the 9th.

And here are the 3 plants that had some remaining small bud sites near the main stem. I will update on their conditions

as soon as I see anything.

I will be (within the next day or two) transplanting these plants into a new soil and larger square pot. I will also

remove the bottom 1/3 of their root systems. Any suggestions about any of this? I hope atleast one survives.

That's it for now! Next update would be at weighing, and hopefully I will have some info on the plants too by then.

Any questions or comments are welcomed.

On a side note, Wub has made progress on his growing box. It is looking like it will be a better version of mine! Check

out his thread for info on his grow. I am very excited to see how his activated carbon filter turns out!


kush fario

Well-Known Member
looks great man im intrested in how those re veging plants turn out and i would say those buds dry would be anywhere between a qp and 5 zips any more and i would be surprized but those buds look fuckin tasty man good job! :bigjoint:


Thats some awesome stuff right there. Are you going to document and photo your hash making process? I am curious to see how that turns out (and also want to learn from it). And thanks a ton for the advertisement for my box in your thread. I appreciate it a lot. Hopefully my grow will turn out as good as yours has!


Well-Known Member
Replant seeds. :) Throw those others in the garbage! Takes way too long. Let us know the dried numbers in a few days too! I like 7-9 days of sitting in the dry room. Really makes em stink and sticky and smokeable.


Active Member
Bubble hash is easy. Jut need to buy the bags. Nothing else but water and ice. Can't really mess it up unless you dump your water full of crystal all over the floor... ;) I will defiantly take some pics, but it may be a couple weeks before I make it. My brother in law is coming out in a few weeks and we had a lot of fun making it last time, so I may wait for him to get out here.
Wub, I have no doubt that if you use the proper nutes you will by far exceed my yield per plant. If I had a better light setup in that box I am sure I could have almost doubled the yield.
Tit for Tat m8, can't wait to see yours develop!
I have no seeds here to plant, and I wouldn't want to waste them. This is just an experiment to see what will happen, but I am pretty sure they will just die away anyways. It will be sooo dark in my room if I don't have the lights on over something ;(


Well, I may put my grow on hold for a little bit. In the area of the country I live in, the avg. temp. for the last few weeks has been 100F or more. Today it's 111F. I live in an older house, so my inside temp in my house right now is 85F. Thats with the thermostat set at 77. mainly right now I am experimenting with the light running at the peak heat of the day and when its at its coolest. Inside of my box is 93F right now.


Active Member
Is that with your circulation fan running as well?
I bet you could find a little air conditioner for your box too, not to mention that it would also act as a dehumidifier...
And I know you don't want to keep spending more money, but let me say this.
After this first harvest of mine, I think I am pretty much in the green. The next grow (If I were to just plant seeds now) would basically be all profit so to speak.


That is with everything running. The only thing that is not in there is the plants. I am going to run it with a large cup of water in there tomorrow. Now that I know what temp it gets to in the peak of the day (and the worse possible temp outside), I will see how it does with some added humidity. It got up to 93F inside the box. That was the hottest. last night's test didnt count because I had the ballast inside the box. I will run it again tonight and see. Keep in mind, I do still need to tie up the tubing, but I dont think it will make that much of a difference.

I really am going to test all possible variables so when things do go wrong, I know what they should be at with certain things removed from the equation.


Active Member
If you could find a cheap A/C unit in the paper would be best if your temps are that high. I would say to get a larger exhaust fan, but with your outside temps that high, pulling more air in is not going to help... Hope you find a way m8!


Well-Known Member
Just went through your journal, wow! Ive never seen a floro tube grow like this, really good stuff :P
Very interested to hear your dry weight.


Active Member
Ya, I decided to scrap the re-veg. I need to make a few modifications to my box before my next grow and I don't want them to be in the way. Plus they are not looking great and will probably die anyways. Lights are off on this grow.
The buds are fluffy and are drying nicely. The first plant I chopped down will have been hanging for 4 days when I go down there tonight. Last night the stems would snap, and it would smoke without going out, so I think I will snip the buds up and weigh the yield for the first plant. I don't want them to be crispy when they go into jars do I? I mean, stems snap, burns well, should be good to cure, no?


Active Member
That first plant comes out at 48 plus the few grams I smoked. Pretty close to two. I will let the others hang over night and check them tomorrow since they are a day behind on drying.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
awe sucks to hear you scrapped the reveg but i guess its for the best and i cure when my stems snap but i find if they are crispy the moisture inside will spread and ul get a very nice smoke but im not a big grower so i could be wrong but thats where my prefence lies :bongsmilie:


Active Member
awsesome! 2 zips on one plant thats fuckin wickid under floros man GOOD JOB !!!!!
i'll be whatchin for your next grow man!


Active Member
great grow man! i'm getting so close to harvest. ive been following your grow so its cool to see it finish. soon mine will be finished too i can't wait. floros ftw brah rofl


Active Member
Thanks man. The tubes did do an ok job. The key with these lights is being very close to the tops. Literally almost touching. The tops that were VERY close to the lights did very well compared to the rest. I think I want to try 1 more time with these lights, except I will use the proper light spectrum's for each cycle next time. I will do a scrog which will make it easier to control the level of each top, and it will also give support for the branches. Also, next time I will do much more trimming and pruning. Anything below the screen would be removed and all that energy will be use at the tops instead. Modifications to the box will increase the light containment and Mylar will increase the light reflected off the surfaces in the box. I also have an idea about using the scrog in a way that will allow me to use some cfl's in between every 4 tops for additional side lighting when the space between the lights and screen will permit. And a whole lot more I would guess, but that's for another time.

The yields are in.
As mentioned earlier, the first plant came in at 48.6 grams.
The other plants came in as follows.


Total of 238.2 grams.
That' an average of 39.7 grams per plant, 0.62 grams per watt, and comes out to about 8.5 ounces.

And while it was chopping them up I noticed the different aroma they were giving off. It is becoming much more fruity. I can't wait to taste them after they have cured.
I don't have any glass containers to cure them in at the moment. What they are in at this time are those "As seen on tv" green Tupperware containers that are supposed to keep stuff fresher longer.
Now I know what you might think, but my wife bought these things. I used one to store cheese in and HOLY FUCK. The cheese was fresher for like 3 times longer, no lie. I will post pics of the wrappers and containers later this evening when I "burp" them.

All in all, not too bad for my first shot. At first I wanted 4 ounces, I later boosted that to 6 after watching them grow. So I got over what I was hoping for, and am also very confident that I could increase that yield with fewer plants on my next run.

Thank you all for watching!


Well-Known Member
Nice harvest figures Sativus. The reason the T5's can be closer to the tops is because the light isnt coming from one single source (such as a single bulb 1000w hps). The flouros already disperse the light pretty well coming from so much square inchage already in the tubes.

You'll get more next harvest, just based on dialing a few things in already. Congrats. :) But, you wont get a *ton* more, just a little more. If you upgrade to bigger lights and more space then...........!


Active Member
T8's *
Thanks Kitty!
I would hope, that next grow scrogging with 4 plants, I could hit 10 ounces and even better quality.
If I could do that, I would be happy. Longer veg, proper nutes, more/even/proper spectrum lighting. Those are some of my goals.
Who knows.


Active Member
hahaha .62 grams/ watt,
thats a good show. and seriously half an LB from fluorescent!!!??? ur my hero
i'd rep u if i could lol