Loose buds ??


Active Member
using JW's NL f2 started with seed got 2 females out of 10, Have grown in past with 1000w HPS always successful now using 400w hps, light is within 15 inches of plant, plants veg for 4wks, on 12/12 now for 17 days, now buds are small and loose is this normal?will they fill up in time?or am i just worried for nothing.plants very healthy cannot get pics up at the moment. Thanks all!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No real difference. At 17 days my plants are generally still growing, they ent even thought aboou throwing on some girth at that point.


That is day 20ish


Active Member
was worried about bad strain remember with 1k they always seemed to fill up quick was going to trash all and start over but sounds like i need to just be patient thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
unless u have no fans near the HPS move it way closer than 15' according to that lumens chart the optimum distance for a 400 is like 7in but thats too hot for many setups

at most, 1 foot is good.