looks like my season is over.


Active Member
went to my spot last night, i think 90% of my plants have the beginning stages of root rot. and one even had some bud mold.

it has been sooooooo hot and sooooooo humid here it doen't really surprise me about the bud mold but the root rot????

it hasn't been raining much either, i only go to my spot if i know they need to be watered, and i go about once a week.

so i guess my question is is there any home remedy for the root rot? i scraped all the mold off the stems (even though i don't think it will help) and the plant with bud mold i topped (since it went back to veg a few weeks ago).

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Sorry, no easy solution for root-rot. Systemic fungicides can be used but are typically short-lived so reapplication may be necessary to offer any level of control. If the root systems are already in the latter stages of decay it may be a exercise in futility. "Banrot" (active ingredients Thiopthanate-Methyl + Etridiazole) offers a broad spectrum of control if applied as a soil drench. It is important that this fungicide is applied with large volumes of water to aid in soil penetration/root absorption. I don't think it is generally available at the big box stores so a trip to a specialty garden store may be in order. I would sacrifice one of the more affected plants to carefully inspect the roots and determine if it indeed is root rot, phytopthora, rhizoctonia etc. Stem borers can often mimic root diseases by causing unexplained wilting/death of a otherwise healthy plant so inspect the trunk of the sacrificed by slicing vertically would be my suggestion. Many ways to combat that probem. Good luck with your grow. While not in Ga., I am close enough by to understand the challenges that our heat and humidity bring...getting brutal right now.


Well-Known Member
plant somewhere where soil drains well next time. Get rid of the moldy plant.


Active Member
No. Didn't water at night.
I planted on a slope so any excess water runs downhill instead of pooling. Also have a bunch of perlite and vermiculite in my mix.

Idk just didn't go my way.

I'm not sweating it. I got a good paying job so noun can afford to just buy it. But it sure woulda been cool to be able to smoke my own stuff.

Thanks for all the info, see you guys next year.