Looks like Maher is a greedy A--hole.

no, actually I think if we are going to treat BC pills like any other preventative medicine then there should be a co-pay just like insulin or BP meds or any other prescription drug.

you know what prevents diabetes and high blood pressure? eating right and exercising, or at least not living a sedentary lifestyle.

the pills treat. they don't prevent.
which party is it that is trying to oppress voting? oppress my wife's right to choose? oppress my friends' rights to serve openly or get married?

remind me again, which party is doing the real oppressing, and not just your fake, loose word salad, mustachioed hooker kind of oppression.

Go ahead tell me which party, I don't like either one. Remind me how you're STILL supporting democrats ONLY and how you STILL believe that there is a difference between them.
You wife's right to choose, puhlease... what rights does the baby lose?
Your gay lover's right to serve openly and get married? Where have you been?
Oppress voting? Do I have to post the video again of the Black Panthers carrying assault weapons at the pooling station in Philly?

You're too easy. Even when you attempt to add some substance to your childish tantrums, you STILL don't make any sense.

You poor, poor thing... it must suck to be you.
You wife's right to choose, puhlease... what rights does the baby lose?

you mean fetus. and a fetus is not a person. people have rights, a fetus does not. whatever rights a fetus may have do not trump my wife's rights.

but do go on about freedom and self-ownership while telling women everywhere that they cannot own their own bodies. dumbass hypocrite misogynist.

Your gay lover's right to serve openly and get married? Where have you been?

so you're saying gay people have full and equal rights already? that one side has not been trying to trample, suppress, and oppose any progress towards equality of rights?

Oppress voting? Do I have to post the video again of the Black Panthers carrying assault weapons at the pooling station in Philly?

you have a video. and that is all you have. you have not one single voter who was intimidated. bush couldn't find one, he let the case go. obama couldn't find one, he let the case go.

all we have are racist, bigoted, misogynist coots like you making a big fuss out of it, no one else.

good job on expressing your disdain for the trifecta: gays, women and blacks. you took a good swipe at all of them, and only ended up making yourself look like an ass along the way.

now get back to your mustachioed hookers and brown cartel schwag, you retarded old coot.
It does no good to try and debate with a child. I have gone over all these issues, as have others and it does no good. I like to debate issues but I can't find one Marxist on here who will, without turning into a raving lunatic, calling names, insulting and inventing lies.(while frothing at the mouth)
In her case, I would go along with a 9 yr late term abortion. What a waste of life force.
Your true colors show. SMH I also busted my ass around 55 hrs a week so my employees wouldnt get their hours cut. Im proud to say my store was the last to be affected by upper mamagements incompetence. Keep looking out for yourself WW.

Bundee, I'm not even going to read what you wrote here.

I thought about how rude I've been. I wouldn't in a million years talk like that to someone face to face, not even on the phone. I refuse to think that it is okay to talk (type) to anyone like that. So I hope that the world out there actually does treat you right and that you succeed at all that you do.

I do reserve the right to have a different opinion. But, I'll leave the coarse and hurtful verbiage for others, primarily UB.

It might have been, but it was the truth. I suppose I could have chosen my words more wisely but I didn't. And what about you?
WW you are trying to reason with elitist snob who joined here in may of 2010 and has 35,000++ posts.
Hes a troll of the worst kind he gets banned and comes back. I mean how bigga hint do you need that you're are not wanted here?.
It might have been, but it was the truth. I suppose I could have chosen my words more wisely but I didn't. And what about you?

i had a great time making sport of your white supremacy in that thread. by "choose your words more carefully", do you mean that you could have hidden your racism better?
WW you are trying to reason with elitist snob who joined here in may of 2010 and has 35,000++ posts.
Hes a troll of the worst kind he gets banned and comes back. I mean how bigga hint do you need that you're are not wanted here?.

how's the south treating you today? have you made sure to be resentful to foreign looking people today?
you know what prevents diabetes and high blood pressure? eating right and exercising, or at least not living a sedentary lifestyle.

the pills treat. they don't prevent.

it's cute when the kids try to talk medicine like the adults. Your assignment is to think about what you said until you can admit how dumb it was.
contraceptives prevent pregnancy.

BP meds (the pills i was referring to) treat high blood pressure.

try to keep up, you drunk old fuck.

wow I didn't expect you to double down on stupidity.
Why are we treating diabetes? Why are we treating high BP? Could it possibly to prevent things these conditions lead to?

Is Coumadin to treat or prevent? Probably the same as BC pills wouldn't you say?
wow I didn't expect you to double down on stupidity.
Why are we treating diabetes? Why are we treating high BP? Could it possibly to prevent things these conditions lead to?

Is Coumadin to treat or prevent? Probably the same as BC pills wouldn't you say?

it's not 100% as genetics does have something to do with it (from what little i understand), but getting your ass on a treadmill is a good way to prevent diabetes.

insulin is a good way to treat diabetes.

there's no two ways around describing what BC pills do: they prevent pregnancy (as well as other things, such as menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, and the like).

i see what you're getting at, insulin treatments are a good way to prevent diabetic shock, nonetheless you just gave the democrats another electoral vote in 2016 by continuing to take obama's year old stinky bait on a rusty hook.
It's a shame we have to play politics while raping the American people through health care. It's a game that politicians play and idiots fall in to. They will lie and manipulate to "win" and it's all of us who lose. It's a game of power that only a select few can win. Seems the prudent thing would be to limit that power, not increase it.

Here we have a grown ass man convinced that birth control pills are somehow a special magical prescription drug compared to no other because it prevents stuff where as insulin is just for diabetes but they really should exercise. How bout insulin prevents death while they exercise? Or in the case of type I they can't live without it, ever? Why is it right and fair and true to charge a copay for insulin but not birth control? I have a feeling YOU know you are full of shit on this one but your argument was made by a lot of people who are stupid enough to not know it.
It's a shame we have to play politics while raping the American people through health care. It's a game that politicians play and idiots fall in to. They will lie and manipulate to "win" and it's all of us who lose. It's a game of power that only a select few can win. Seems the prudent thing would be to limit that power, not increase it.

Here we have a grown ass man convinced that birth control pills are somehow a special magical prescription drug compared to no other because it prevents stuff where as insulin is just for diabetes but they really should exercise. How bout insulin prevents death while they exercise? Or in the case of type I they can't live without it, ever? Why is it right and fair and true to charge a copay for insulin but not birth control? I have a feeling YOU know you are full of shit on this one but your argument was made by a lot of people who are stupid enough to not know it.

and we tally another electoral vote for the democrats.
It's a shame we have to play politics while raping the American people through health care. It's a game that politicians play and idiots fall in to. They will lie and manipulate to "win" and it's all of us who lose. It's a game of power that only a select few can win. Seems the prudent thing would be to limit that power, not increase it.

Here we have a grown ass man convinced that birth control pills are somehow a special magical prescription drug compared to no other because it prevents stuff where as insulin is just for diabetes but they really should exercise. How bout insulin prevents death while they exercise? Or in the case of type I they can't live without it, ever? Why is it right and fair and true to charge a copay for insulin but not birth control? I have a feeling YOU know you are full of shit on this one but your argument was made by a lot of people who are stupid enough to not know it.

BC=prevents further expenditure due to unwanted pregnancy and doctor's visits for nasty cramps (What several women I know take it for.), among other things. Prevents further expense of childbirth and prenatal visits; stops the problem before it starts.
Insulin=prevents untimely death and complications after you already have diabetes. That's a treatment, not a prevention.

Changing your tire when you get a blowout is a treatment; changing your tire when you start seeing unsafe wear is prevention. If your diabetes could have been prevented by exercise and dietary changes, then those would be prevention. However, if you just have diabetes due to reasons beyond your control, insulin in no way prevents you from having diabetes. Whether or not you like it, "prevention" and "treatment" are VASTLY different ends of the spectrum. Stopping a condition from occurring saves money in the long run, treatment of a persistent condition generally costs a bit more than that. Welcome to the world of business sir. It's not always pretty, but it behooves your insurance business to prevent unwanted births; those cost more money. As opposed to the person with an already existing condition, who will always be an expense.