Active Member
Help I have what look's like cotten around the top of my stock at the top of the dirt . anyone know what this is ?????
It could be a number of things but I think that it is from your plant growing and shedding. Sort of like when a reptile or insect shreds it's skin. Just my guess, nothing much to worry about. Unless it is something else like the dreaded fugus/mold.:leaf::leaf::leaf:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It could be a number of things but I think that it is from your plant growing and shedding. Sort of like when a reptile or insect shreds it's skin. Just my guess, nothing much to worry about. Unless it is something else like the dreaded fugus/mold.:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Cannabis sheds it's skin??


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1436383 Here it is and looks and fills like cotten HELP!!!!!!
the answer is either one of these.. or possibly both.

You either have a fungus problem.. or a mold problem my friend.

you need to go to the sub-forum 'Marijuana Plant Problems' and ask the same question in there and someone should be able to give you an idea of how to stop it from advancing (growing more) and possibly how to get rid of it.

But, like I said.. its more than likely either a mold issue.. or some type of fungus/fungi that has grown.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
It could be a number of things but I think that it is from your plant growing and shedding. Sort of like when a reptile or insect shreds it's skin. Just my guess, nothing much to worry about. Unless it is something else like the dreaded fugus/mold.:leaf::leaf::leaf:

Ehh, unless you actually have an answer.. please dont give out advice. What his plant has.. is either mold/fungi.. and IMO, its DEF. something to worry about.
