Looks good but no high... hope it gets better


Well-Known Member
Ok... so I have an afgooey mom from a single seed I found in 1/2 oz. The guy I got it from is also a grower and said that this particular plant hermies in late flower sometimes so keep an eye out for seeds. Well, I planted it, it lived (barely) through my two week vacation where the power went out and turned into a very vigorous plant (until I recently fucked the mom up some but shes coming back). Anyway, I cut just after 8 weeks. Trichs looked cloudy and well, it looked done. Its been drying since sunday. We tried some in the vape last night and just did not get high... I mean.. maybe just a wee little head high but not even close to the potency of the bagseed I had through 3 grows last winter. It just went into the paper bag and I suspect jars by sunday. Im just frustrated a bit because I expected a little more from it even prior to cureing... mmm anyway, FDD says I should not throw the mother out and move on to my others untill I am sure. I agree.. but... ah.. hell.. here are a few pics... It looks really good, just no kick at all.. and I mean NO kick.

OH.. and PLEASE give a shout out for encouragement... I need it right now, no buds and the stuff I grew wouldnt get an ant high...LOL



Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
dang they look really good,alot better than mine. i had to harvest at 8 1/2 weeks. mine look like shit, smell real good, taste ok and gives me a strong head high. hope it gets better for you man.


Well-Known Member
bring into the middle of it, .... lololol

it does look really good.

i grew a few strains last year. the sweet tooth and the big bud were insane looking. huge colas, outdoors. hella crystals. no flavor, bland high. pretendica.


Active Member
I just picked up some afghooey the other day and it looked just like that, but i know how you feel, my first plant only makes you feel really slow when you talk, but no real high unless you smoke like 3 or 4 bowls, but it looked so beautiful when growing, so now i'm moving on to some real seeds, hope your other plants go ok


New Member
man that bud looks great man...sorry about your luck...hopefully some type of miricle happens at the end of the curing process... got my fingers crossed for ya bro....


Well-Known Member
bring into the middle of it, .... lololol

it does look really good.

i grew a few strains last year. the sweet tooth and the big bud were insane looking. huge colas, outdoors. hella crystals. no flavor, bland high. pretendica.
Pretendica.. Thats what it is!! LMFAO


Well-Known Member
I think I will ditch this strain/mom and just do the others I have. Ill chop on Sunday and replace with a brand new round of misty and Hindu Kush. The misty is verified but the kush is not yet. Well see though. I have several mistys coming due. Im not gonna get down about this shit. Im just gonna move on and make some better weed..LOL


Well-Known Member
Interesting. The buds look pretty dank. I'm surprised you're not getting high.
NO kidding!! LOL I know my tolerance isnt THAT high...LOL. My GF even said the other day.. "DAMN! Look at all the crystals". I'm just getting over this and moving on. My first several grows Id hit it right off the plant and get ripped. That was with Bagseed and it didnt look nearly as good as this. I talked to the GF and we are gonna take down the rest of this strain tonight and put replacements in. I cant think of anything That would cause this except for a fluke.


Well-Known Member
Well even if you get no high smoking it, there ais an alternative.
I used to live in Ohio years ago and threw some mexican bag weed seeds over the fence line and let em grow wild with no attention to them at all.
They grew from the last spring frost to the 2nd fall frost and got about 7 feet high and NOT one of them had the slightest buds, just all leaves.
Finally cut them down when the frost started wilting em. I ended up with like 3 pounds of just leaves.
You could smoke a hundred joints and not feel a thing....however when I took 2 or 3 ounces and ground em up and made butter out of em and then cookies, those mothers would knock you down. And thats no joke.
Eat 2 cookies, and an hour and a half later you begin to realize that you been sitting on the couch just frigging buzzed out of your skull, and the buzz lasted like 6 to 8 hours, just totally fucked up buzzed.

So anyway there is an alternative. :peace:


Well-Known Member
So anyway there is an alternative. :peace:
Thanks, I might try that. It does get a little head high. I have been thinking that maybe I didnt let it go long enough. It sure looked done but I will look at the trichs tonight and see. The ones I pulled looked all cloudy and just a bit amber. Maybe I will just let them go almost all amber.. I dunno.. gonna open the cab up and see..LOL


Well-Known Member
were the trichs all cloudy, or were there some amber ones? that could be it too
All cloudy with just a touch of amber. We will see. I am gonna give it all time to cure properly and give it an honest assessment. I kept a clone of the mom and got rid of her though. I'm not all that worried. I have several mistys that will be ready soon and I know those are waaaay bomb.


Well-Known Member
I did grow one beautiful plant a few years back that had all the bells and whistles, but none of the punch, as in ZERO high, despite appearing perfect . . . but that was a ? strain.
I had no idea a proven strain could lose it's thc.
I hope it's not contagious!


Well-Known Member
I had no idea a proven strain could lose it's thc.
I hope it's not contagious!

Me too. I am hoping that some time in the jars will bring it around. I just cut all the others friday. It looks better but I wont know for sure till its dry enough. Its only time...LOL


Well-Known Member
Well good luck to ya . . . where you wrote that you sorta, mighta maybe felt a slight blah blah, I suspect you felt nothing, 'cuz' you'd a know'd.


Well-Known Member
Well good luck to ya . . . where you wrote that you sorta, mighta maybe felt a slight blah blah, I suspect you felt nothing, 'cuz' you'd a know'd.

Ya... I'm just trying to have a positive attitude...LOL. Thats the way it goes sometimes with this shit.


Well-Known Member
well get rid of it, if its a fluke we don't need no fake shit floatin around made by the government are some shit,but that looks like my buds that fuck my world up,lol so sorry dude,kill it!!