Nah, you don't need 900W, you'd melt your LED's. Assuming you drive the LED's at 650mA, and also assuming average voltage drop is 2.5V per LED (reaaaally rough asumptions):
2.5V x 288 = 720V
720V x .65A = 468W
So you're probably looking at ~400-500W depending on the LED's used and how you choose to drive them.
Again, though, these are really rough estimates derived from the information given. I could be wrong, people may chime in, but I advise you to either head over to the ICMag LED forum, or use the search function here to find info on building your own panel (there are some
really good threads). I love the community here (best English speaking LED grow forum I can find!), but those ICMag guys seem to have no problem walking newbies through making their own LED panels, whereas here we tend to leave ya alone/meet up on the other side of the swamp once you've built your panel and have plants under it. Sort of tough love attitude, ime.
Good luck!