Looking to start using Led [need directions]

Hey guys,

Im new here and will post some pics of my system, im currently doing a ebb and flow 12 bucket 5litter . Im using 3 light which 2x600 and 1x1000 , im thinking about switching to LEDS do to my electricie bills are just to expensive and i heared that led are very good they put out a lot more lumens , less heat and save more energy. Im not planning to buy cheap led i want really good one .

My question here is if it really true that they are better and if anyone can tell me which site i can buy good leds .


Thats 2200 watts you are using. At 12 hr a day and $.10 per kwh, thats about $2.40 a day. Even if you could save a dollar a day, it would take a long time to pay for that $500 led. And the people i know who have used leds say they arent any better watt for watt than a good ol hps. I think this technology has potential, but it isnt quite ready yet.


Well-Known Member
You heard wrong. LED's are good, no where near as good as HID lighting. If anyone says otherwise they are lying.


Active Member
You heard wrong. LED's are good, no where near as good as HID lighting. If anyone says otherwise they are lying.
I beg to disagree, and I'm no liar.

At OP: check out my signature, I have a journal going, and I've made a few videos and posted them to youtube. All LED. Or, I should say, all high quality LEDs. Cheap, mass produced LEDs dropshipped from China will probably not measure up to HID lighting (which has years of research and development under its belt), but there are some really nice LED lights out there. I've grown with HID in the past, and I won't switch back.
I beg to disagree, and I'm no liar.

At OP: check out my signature, I have a journal going, and I've made a few videos and posted them to youtube. All LED. Or, I should say, all high quality LEDs. Cheap, mass produced LEDs dropshipped from China will probably not measure up to HID lighting (which has years of research and development under its belt), but there are some really nice LED lights out there. I've grown with HID in the past, and I won't switch back.
Can you please link me to a good HID ? It would be much of help since i dont want to buy cheap ones. Thanks a lot i appreciate your help

PS my english isnt great but hope you understand it


Active Member
Kushini, I'm not comfortable linking you to any HID, because I believe them to be antiquated and not eco-friendly. Check out LED.

Also, for whatever reason my sig doesn't show when I post from my tablet. So, my sig should be at the bottom of this post for anyone who wants to check it out...


Well-Known Member
I beg to disagree, and I'm no liar.

At OP: check out my signature, I have a journal going, and I've made a few videos and posted them to youtube. All LED. Or, I should say, all high quality LEDs. Cheap, mass produced LEDs dropshipped from China will probably not measure up to HID lighting (which has years of research and development under its belt), but there are some really nice LED lights out there. I've grown with HID in the past, and I won't switch back.
Nice setup.