Looking to start growing my own and need a good place to start

Dude you mix up a two part formula and PH it. The PH will drift, so you have to check it before watering again if you mix up a large batch. All grow styles can have automations.

The only real benefit with soil is less watering. Mixing organic materials is easy to screw up, and if you do screw up, it's a lot harder to correct.
Not that hard to mix. I use Root's Organic and Sub Cool's original recipe. I give it a little tea now and then. No scheduling, no nutes, no testing, no flushing. These are outdoor but I do it the same indoor.
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Just get some decent potting soil and a bag of easy to use water soluble fertilizer like MaxiBloom. Plant seed, grow plant, feed lightly after plant is around 4 weeks old. That's as simple as it gets and all you need is tap water. I always tell new growers to start out simple like that. If they can't be successful with that then they shouldn't be doing hydro or coco where you have to mess with pH of the nutrient solution, watering daily, maintaining a reservoir, etc...

My next suggestion would be something like a SIP. There are way too many new growers that have never grown anything that jump into hydro especially DWC and end up having all kinds of problems. Make it easy on yourself the first time.

Good light
Quality bagged potting soil
Simple nutrients

Good luck whatever path you choose :weed:
Well I am growing in 8-10 g bags in a large grow room, and there's a HUGE amount of dust involved. I couldn't imagine mixing it in my home. Plus it needs to "cook" for a few months, not to mention some of the amendments stink for a while.

Dude just lay a tarp down or get a small kids pool, wet everything down slightly and wear a face mask just in case.
Get some large HDX totes or trash cans for "cooking".
You're making this so hard on yourself lmao.

Organic growing is by far easier if you just set it up correctly.
I amend and mix once a cycle and then all i do is fill my res with regular water and its all automatically feed through Blumat soaker hose.

I know all the horror stories when it comes to organic, but there really are super simple ways to get pretty damn close to set it and forget it.
I’ve been looking for something different to do and growing marijuana seemed pretty interesting. I haven’t really had much experience with plants/gardening other than watering some flowers, so I need a good place to start. I’ve got a decent budget, so I’m not worried about equipment costs, though I’d tutuapp like to do a little more research online before I get ahead of myself. Are there any good articles or video tutorials on just some basic knowledge of growing? Also, knowing where to buy seeds, equipment, etc. would be greatly helpful as well. Thank you!

I got this,...
I concur with xtsho, start simple at first. Don't try to do hydro at the get go, or coco or mixing your own soil. Buy a premade soil made for cannabis, I've always used Ocean Forest. Doesn't matter if you're growing outside or inside, although if you are able, outside easier. Inside, research lighting, if you're going to use a tent etc etc.

Starting simple, you'll learn about nutes, insects and other stuff without being overloaded with too much info right off the bat. After getting through your first grow, you can decide if you want to go inn a different direction and try something else. But this will give you a good foundation to build from
Tip: anyone who claims "organic soil" is easiest, ask them how many bags of shit they keep on hand, ask about top dressing and brewing teas. Also ask them how long until nutrients are available to the plant. I could go on and on...
Then look into drain to waste coco growing.
BS. And I don’t say that very often. Only when I can back it up!