Looking To Make Grow Box

Im interested in making a grow box suitable for 2-3 plants.

This will be my first organized grow (by that I mean, doing it the proper way, atleast as close to that as I can)

Ive got the seeds germianted and currently under two 100 watt cfl's. I ended up having 5 seeds germinate on me, I tried 5 because two of them looked shrivled and didnt think they would germ.

Ive got a few questions that I was hopin you all could help with.
I have about 4 ft of height where I would like to place the box, and roughly 36 inches width, can this be sufficient space for a decent yield plant ?

Is two 100 watt CFL's enough light? Should I add a third ?

I live in the midwest, and my apartment gets cool at night because it is too expensive to heat while i sleep. Can I put at heatpad at the bottom of my grow box to counteract that ? I only really worry about the temps during my dark cycle. But I suppose the heat pad might keep a more constant temp, which is what im looking for i think.

Im also looking for some sort of reflective sheeting, because aluminum foil seems so low budget to me. Insulated would be great.

Any suggestions would be great, Id preferrably like to build it out of wood, because I have access to whatever i would need in that case.


Active Member
Im interested in making a grow box suitable for 2-3 plants.

This will be my first organized grow (by that I mean, doing it the proper way, atleast as close to that as I can)

Ive got the seeds germianted and currently under two 100 watt cfl's. I ended up having 5 seeds germinate on me, I tried 5 because two of them looked shrivled and didnt think they would germ.

Ive got a few questions that I was hopin you all could help with.
I have about 4 ft of height where I would like to place the box, and roughly 36 inches width, can this be sufficient space for a decent yield plant ?

Is two 100 watt CFL's enough light? Should I add a third ?

I live in the midwest, and my apartment gets cool at night because it is too expensive to heat while i sleep. Can I put at heatpad at the bottom of my grow box to counteract that ? I only really worry about the temps during my dark cycle. But I suppose the heat pad might keep a more constant temp, which is what im looking for i think.

Im also looking for some sort of reflective sheeting, because aluminum foil seems so low budget to me. Insulated would be great.

Any suggestions would be great, Id preferrably like to build it out of wood, because I have access to whatever i would need in that case.
well if your handy with wood and you have access to it i would suggest you build atleast one box if not 3 ( for a perpertual harvest one mother box, one veg box and one flower box) or atleast a floer and veg box. you have plenty of room to do this. i've seen boxes 24x24x12 with 5 42 watt floros produce super dank bud.

two 100s are fine but the smaller cfls are actually more energy efficient and in your case the little bit of extra heat they provide would help. you can put a heat pad under them but thats going to heat the roots up before it heats the canopy, as long as it stays about 60 at night i wouldn't worry. colder temperatures dont really harm plants(to a certain extent) they just slow growth down.

i hope this was helpful


Well-Known Member
Ive got a few questions that I was hopin you all could help with.
I have about 4 ft of height where I would like to place the box, and roughly 36 inches width, can this be sufficient space for a decent yield plant ?
I use less with my 400w. Its enough if you utilize it properly.

Is two 100 watt CFL's enough light? Should I add a third ?
I would get a 250W HPS or CMH instead if you haven't bought them already.
If so, I would add another 2 of those for flowering (note the different color needed)

I live in the midwest, and my apartment gets cool at night because it is too expensive to heat while i sleep. Can I put at heatpad at the bottom of my grow box to counteract that ? I only really worry about the temps during my dark cycle. But I suppose the heat pad might keep a more constant temp, which is what im looking for i think.
Run your lights after sunset. The lights will keep you and your plants warm. (move the lights closer to the plants or reduce the venting to heat the grow room more)
I use 1000W of lightning (600 and a 400) and it keeps my heating cost at night to a minimum. (well, its ain't that cold around here, but still)

Im also looking for some sort of reflective sheeting, because aluminum foil seems so low budget to me. Insulated would be great.
Flat white paint. Cheap and works greats.
Or panda poly.
Wood should be insulating enough.

Any suggestions would be great, Id preferrably like to build it out of wood, because I have access to whatever i would need in that case
Make your plans ready (and get some one who knows his shit to read it too) before you cut anything.
I am part owner of a woodworking shop, I have access and the know how to make anything, this is what I was thinking.

Two 18"x18" boxes both 40" high.

One for the veg, one for the flower.

Im thinking that is sufficient space for two plants a box, four total. If im going to be flowering in only one, is that the only one ill need a carbon filter for odor ?

I was thinking using these lights, please let me know if these are the type of CFL's im going for. I dont want to do HPS, mostly because the overall cost is much greater.


Im also growing soil.


Well-Known Member
It would be better to use a bigger space. You need space for all the gear - filter, vent, fans, the lights themselves and so on.
Get a small cloning site with a small CFL and run mostly with the flowering cabin.

I consider carbon filter a must in every grow space with flowering plants that should not be smelt.

That CFL is 27W, not 100W. Its bullshit.
You would need around 18 of those to match the light from a 250W HPS. Considering the fixtures, wiring and cooling needed do you still think CFL is cheaper?
I don't.
So CFL is not the cheaper way of lighting ? Im talking in terms of efficieny as well. If HPS is the better solution, then thats what ill have to look into, im just looking for a cheaper way to make a box that i can do 2 plants in, 2 boxes.

Im not looking to spend a ton of money on gear.
Im learning as im going.

Two Of These in the Flower Box ? : http://www.amazon.com/42-Watt-Spectrum-Daylight-Warranty/dp/B003HNEATO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1292188687&sr=1-1
Two Of These In Veg Box? : http://www.amazon.com/42-Watt-Lumens-Warranty-801042/dp/B003YO1404/ref=sr_1_4?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1292188760&sr=1-4
I have the electrical fittings, wires, etc to wire the system myself, so i save money there as well.

Ive decided to go flat white paint for the interior of the boxes to save some money as well.

Whats a cheaper way to do ventilation, ive seen people doing computer fans, whats recommended along those lines? Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The cheap way is buying things once.

I fit 2 of those lights in my pc grow case for my males. it wouldn't fit even a 1ft single plant properly.

You can use any fan, but for most you would have to DIY a carbon filter to match the fans power.

Cut yourself the problems and buy proper gear to start with rather than buying something else and replace it.
You will spend more money on fixing problems if you'll keep saving on the basics.


Well-Known Member
You can grow a single plant with 2000W and you can grow 100 plants with a 250W.
Its all up to your growing style.

If you start from seeds you will need a minimum of 1 month veg. (unless they are autos, thats the MINIMUM it takes for them to think about flowering)
Considering your space I would get a 400W. You could do with a 250W, but you would yield less. If heat isn't an issue, and it doesn't sounds to me like one, a 400W would be better.
It will also heat up your room better.

You'll need a timer. If power outages are common around your place you would need a digital timer.

You'll need a minimum of 100 cfm vent (or higher with PC fans and such) to vent your room, I would get one around 200 cfm as heat isn't an issue.

You'll need a fan to circulate air around. The common revolving ones are great if you can fit one in.

You'll need big pots for those ladies if you'll use soil. I recommend at least 20L each, but just use as much as you can possible fit in.
Tell me if you need advice on a soil mix, but DON'T GO CHEAP ON YOUR SOIL!

You will need a thermometer and hygrometer.

You will need some vent ducting and tape.

I love my air cooled light reflector. While not a must like the stuff above it really helps using the light better.