Looking to grow one weed plant inside, someone tell me exactly what i need??


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres what you need....

.....a lot of spare time to read.

Read the GrowFAQ, read grow journals, read some grow guides...form your own opinions. Everyone has opinions and they will be happy to force them on you, but dont take everything you hear as fact, do the research and it will work out much better in the end.

Everyone will give you a different answer, you need to do the research, and decide what you want. No one is going to hold your hand and walk you through it. You really should never listen to One persons advice on what to do and buy, no one person is right. Every situation is different.

You really should know exactly what to do from seed to dry weed before buying or planting anything, or else your just asking for a disaster.

Anyways, good luck, if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask



Well-Known Member
If you want one plant (from Bag Seeds)
your gonna need to plant about 4 of then 50% Female to Male Ratio
+/- About.
unless you buy Female Seeds.


Well-Known Member
You'll need:
1) A seed
2) A bucket
3) Some Dirt
4) A light
5) Water

That's all there is to it! But seriously, go back and re-read what BC told you.