Looking to get first bong.. maybe Glasscity Bubblicious


Active Member
Im looking to get my first bong. I dont wanna spend anymore than $150. One that caught my eye was the Glasscity Bubblicious bong. Anyone have this? Good first bong? Im also open to any other suggestions too. Thanks guys.


Staff member
yeah shit dude, my first bong...

i think was homemade out of a pop bottle...

ya know now that i think ofit....
idk what my first bong was

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i remember my first bond still its been about 5 years tho
i got it from a buddy and payed 30 dollars. it was about 70 brand new but super ditry. i love the think still to this day. its so funny how i am still in contact with it. i sold it to this guy who brought it to a party and gave it to my good friend to hold on to for a week or two. but they didnt ask for it back for about 2 months so he told them his dad found it and broke it in the street. but nothing hppened to it. so to this day be and by buddy smke out of it as much as we can haha and theres only about 6 or 7 people who know its still alive. but i love that bong


Well-Known Member
Check the glass section here below, you'll probably find something you like and save a few bucks in the process.

Edit: Right above here actually.


Active Member
yeah shit dude, my first bong...

i think was homemade out of a pop bottle...

ya know now that i think ofit....
idk what my first bong was
Well ive been there done that with the homemade pieces. Time to upgrade though.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i still have my first bong. i waited a month after my 18th birthday so my friend could turn 18 and we went together.

for 150 you can get a nice glass on glass peice and probably a decent ash catcher. i'm not up in the glass scene enough to know about name brand this and that. i just know that like thick glass and will never again own a bong without an ashcatcher. the ice catcher is nice too but i find i get a similar effect just by having icy water in the chamber.

if you are going to get an ashcatcher i recommend the ones with removable bowls. mine is enclosed and it's a pain in the ass to clean. i got it because at the time this was the only ashcatcher that fit the way i like. i'm not crazy about the color but it works.

here she is full of ice, packed and ready to go. total spent: $125. 85 for the bong and 50 for the ash catcher. he threw in a sharpstone mini for 5 bucks also. sweet deal.

i made the leap because the bong in my avatar smashed :-(



New Member
Look up red eye glass, they don't sell off their site, but a nice 7mm thick bong with an ice catch, diffuser, and eject a bowl is only $60. It's pretty much all they sell up here in Canada, its a BC company.