Do you have commercial farm equipment? Irrigation? A lake nearby to provide the water? About a dozen friends to help? Those dozen friends...any of them stupid/likely to get busted for something leading them to tell on you?
About $20,000 in startup money? Seeds are not the only expense. Fertilizer for that much land will cost thousands as well.
The downside is you somehow get $20 grand...spend it. Work the farm like a slave...crop starts growing...then get busted and do years in jail. That is AS likely imo as you reaching harvest w/o getting busted.
There is also the possibility of a friend flat out ripping you off. Coming in the middle of the night with his "real" friends and just taking many kg of weed.
So you are going to need to spend some money on security too. Some infrared cameras, fencing, a dog or three.
You'll go through your $20,000 in startup money in no time flat.