Looking Strechy

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Im growing gorrilla style so my parents wont know. I was using an incandesent light bulb thinking it would do the job. I just got rid of it because my plants just keep stretching more and more, I wanted to put the light closer but it puts off to much heat and burns the leaves. I swaped my lightbulb w/ a floresent bulb, and it is sitting a few inches above the plants. It deosnt seem like the floresents give off as much heat and hopefully my plants will stop streching. plants are growing in a jello cup for now.


Well-Known Member
Im growing gorrilla style so my parents wont know. I was using an incandesent light bulb thinking it would do the job. I just got rid of it because my plants just keep stretching more and more, I wanted to put the light closer but it puts off to much heat and burns the leaves. I swaped my lightbulb w/ a floresent bulb, and it is sitting a few inches above the plants. It deosnt seem like the floresents give off as much heat and hopefully my plants will stop streching. plants are growing in a jello cup for now.
TIMMY LISTEN UP BOY! Speaking as a responsible cannabis user, growing in your parents' home without their permission is incredibly disrespectful and stupid - if your garden was discovered by law enforcement, regardless of how many or how few plants you have, your parents could potentially lose everything they've worked for - house, car, boat, whatever - simply trying to keep you or themselves out of jail. In the States the DEA would make an example of a situation like yours. Even if you live in a country with more lenient marijuana laws, growing in your parents' home without their permission and going to great lengths to keep it from them is just dishonerable.

I'm not trying to flame you, man, I'm just hoping you'll rethink your grow strategy and show a little more respect for the people who keep a roof over your head and food in your mouth.


Active Member
Props Major_TokE
He's right Timmy. Not only that, but if your family is not from this country, they will be deported too. 1 plants enough to do it. Unless you live on a big farm down a long country lane, don't grow weed on your parents' property!


Well-Known Member
Have you tried broaching the subject with your parents? I know it sounds ridiculous, but you'd be surprised how things work out when you're honest with them. Just be sure your grades are good and that you're getting all of your chores done regularly first, then they can't say that it's negatively effecting you. (Especially if you didn't do these things before.) I tried this approach, and I was pleasantly surprised.

As for your stretch problem. If you are growing them in jello cups I imagine they're still very small. Are the embryonic leaves still the biggest ones on the plants? If so, that's natural. They shoot up for awhile, then they relax and start growing their first real leaves. If you're really nervous about it, put some more soil around the stem. This will give them support so they don't fall over.
If you can't fit anymore dirt on the cup without it falling out, do what I did. Get a toothpick, sewing needle, sturdy twig, whatever, and tie your plant gently to it, right under the leaves, with dental floss.

If your plants are older, let's say four sets of leaves, with the embryonic round leaves being the smaller ones now; you can transplant.
Get a deep-ish container. (I use Folger coffee tins and halved milk jugs.) Punch draining holes in the bottem. Fill it with good soil. Then bury your plant up to it's bottom leaves. Bam! You now have a much shorter plant, with no harm done to it. So long as the leaves are uncovered and there's at least an inch of soil under the roots, you're good to go. (At least in my experience.)

Bonus points if you turn the soil with water in the container before you plant it. I don't know if not doing this has any negative effects, but I've never had a bad transplant. No shock or anything. So I'm either incredibly lucky or I'm doing something right.
Good Luck!

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Thanks Passion. There out of my house in a week so im not worried. The Floresent Helps alot! the streching slowed down and now the leaves are growing faster. my leaves are just the same size as the embryonic ones. 2 leaves exactly. The thing is probably 2 1/2 inches long. I think they will live, they are loving that new light. Now the leaves are growing instead of the stem. :) Thanks for your help, i might prop them up like you suggested passion. they have been growing for only a week or so now. Thx for the update guys. im well aware of the risks involved.


Well-Known Member
if your location is correct and your growing (gorilla) outdoors this time of year good luck.

oh yea, dont grow in or on your parents property....:twisted:


Well-Known Member
listen to major.
youre doing your parents wrong!!! they raised you( whether you like it or not), they look out for you, and if you f*@& them now you are nothing but shit. you can cost them everything, all for your own selfish bullshit.
growing is a beautiful experience, especially when it goes well, but when you screw over the only people you can truely count on, you fucked up hard!! and deserve no respect. you might as well be a crackhead.
egads you piss me off and im not even a parent
grow up you fool!~!!

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Hey Catfish, You can eat my shit and like it. THERE OUT OF MY HOUSE IN A WEEK AND GOING SOMEWERE SAFE!! YOU THINK IM STUPID ENOUGH TO GROW IN THE SNOW!? AND IM DEFINATELY NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO KEEP THE PLANTS IN MY HOUSE TILL YOU CAN LOOK AT THEM AND KNOW FOR SURE ITS MARIJUANA. I germinate and grow them for a couple weeks untill there started and good to go, and bring them to my buddies house to finish. If i knew were your plot was catfish i would set your plants on fire and piss on the ashes. Never Call me a CrackHead, Come to NewEngland so i can stomp your ass Bean Town style.

I'll Probably be reported for this post...But.....O well....


Well-Known Member
listen to major.
youre doing your parents wrong!!! they raised you( whether you like it or not), they look out for you, and if you f*@& them now you are nothing but shit. you can cost them everything, all for your own selfish bullshit.
growing is a beautiful experience, especially when it goes well, but when you screw over the only people you can truely count on, you fucked up hard!! and deserve no respect. you might as well be a crackhead.
egads you piss me off and im not even a parent
grow up you fool!~!!
Dude! Cool it!
If you're not a parent then where is all this anger coming from? Honestly, no one can say that they were the perfect child while they lived with their parent(s). I'm betting that you did at least one thing that could have gotten your parents in trouble. I know I did, I just didn't get caught!

Try not to be so judgmental, it makes you sound like a douche. (lol I'm a hypocrite)


Well-Known Member
True, I guess we all try it at some point. The lure of growing your baby at home... Yea the popo doesn't like it... I'd say throw yourself on the cock of the court (we can say cock can't we?) if all fails. Be safe about moving them too. My friend got burnt up driving 4 of his plants to an off site location.

Make sure no one can see light, smell some funk, or see a lot of random traffic... My $0.02

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Heh. His penis is to small and he cant produce a child so he talks to me like he's my father. Major toke is cool shit...He did make me think about the situation. Saying I'm not worth shit and im a crackhead is taking it over the line. All im worried about is moving the plants out of the house-Into the car-and over to my buddies house, a minute down the road, without shocking the plants. My house is like 67 degrees and outside its around 30. I think if i heat up my car real nice and run them quickly in and out they will be fine. Any suggestions? And please...If your going to bash me...save it for your momma.

I AM THE GOODSON...:twisted:


Active Member
Yo man...your parents probably blazed as much as you do now. if you want to grow in the house, keep it to a small minimal operation with cfls...but it would be wrong to do so without their permission...keep it small and don't tell a soul, hide it in ur attic or in a stealth grow box catfish man, you need to smoke a couple more blunts and chill out

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
I just have one 23 watt Florescent bulb. I germinate and grow 2 plants at a time in jello cups. I do this because the cups are transparent and i can see root growth also and determine when its ready to transplant.

I added more soil and now the plants are more sturdy. Just hopeing there not male...

A novice setup for a novice grower...


Well-Known Member
I just have one 23 watt Florescent bulb. I germinate and grow 2 plants at a time in jello cups. I do this because the cups are transparent and i can see root growth also and determine when its ready to transplant.

I added more soil and now the plants are more sturdy. Just hopeing there not male...

A novice setup for a novice grower...
Whug! I feel you there!
When my plants started to sprout I had to hold myself back from calling them him-s. I'd tie ribbons around their stems if it would make them more likely to be girls.


Well-Known Member
Hey Catfish, You can eat my shit and like it. THERE OUT OF MY HOUSE IN A WEEK AND GOING SOMEWERE SAFE!! YOU THINK IM STUPID ENOUGH TO GROW IN THE SNOW!? AND IM DEFINATELY NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO KEEP THE PLANTS IN MY HOUSE TILL YOU CAN LOOK AT THEM AND KNOW FOR SURE ITS MARIJUANA. I germinate and grow them for a couple weeks untill there started and good to go, and bring them to my buddies house to finish. If i knew were your plot was catfish i would set your plants on fire and piss on the ashes. Never Call me a CrackHead, Come to NewEngland so i can stomp your ass Bean Town style.

I'll Probably be reported for this post...But.....O well....

that was fucking hillarious dude i couldent stop laughing ill piss on ur plants ashes and burn them fuking a rofl. dude u are the fucking KING. and u guys are all losers " DONT GROW WEED ON UR PARENTS PROPERTY" STFU ASS FACES, get a fucking life not like they give a shit they will just fuking smoke it themself's or just thro it away anyways who they fuck cares, dude i have the same problem as u i think my plants streaching NEED HELP!



Well-Known Member
Urgh, No man. It really is wrong to put everything your parents worked hard for at risk. Im 17, and still live at home.I actually tookt he time to talk to my parents about the shit, and atfirst they didnt like it, because myfriends and shit would come over and see my plants in the closet, then tell people an shit. But since we moved from there, its been really low key. And guess what? My parents are now growing with me. Its pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
Urgh, No man. It really is wrong to put everything your parents worked hard for at risk. Im 17, and still live at home.I actually tookt he time to talk to my parents about the shit, and atfirst they didnt like it, because myfriends and shit would come over and see my plants in the closet, then tell people an shit. But since we moved from there, its been really low key. And guess what? My parents are now growing with me. Its pretty sweet.
I hate to be the one to tell you this my friend, but you are probably going to be banned for this post. Come back when you are 18. We here at rollitup.org do not advocate growing by minors. Have your parents start a grow journal. Oh, and although it seems as if you already have; stop telling people.
