Looking Strange...deficiency of ? (pics)


Well-Known Member
morris I have went over those same charts myself and thats what kept me thinking mg just didnt want to add epsom till knew for sure It was the blackish spots on some of them and little bit tip curl


Active Member
I've had this problem before as well and it is definately a magnesium deficiency.
The best and cheapest way to cure this is to use epsom salt in a foilar feed because the plant can go into newt lockout very easily with this deficiency.

If you are using the Fox Farm schedule, put a tblsp/gal of either water or the Fox Farm "recipe". This should take care of your problem.


Well-Known Member
dude, the easiest way i think, if you have never used epsom salts dont try to experiment, the easiest, mistake proof way is flushing at 1/4 strength grow big, or some of the other nutes on the list in that link, you already know how to flush im sure....this does 2 things, first by flushing with nutes, Grow Big naturally lowers your PH off the bat, second...if it is Lockout and say you just fed as normal like the link recommends, the roots wont absorb the nutes, at this point i had been advised to flush with the mix, therefore allowing the roots to take it all, the key here is having a dilluted mix so you dont burn...with this method my leaves cleared up in 3 days. i dont know much, i'm on my second go round, but i am learning a ton from these guys and all the info i have been given worked like a charm, with every issue i have faced, everything on RIU came in ACES! so if i can be helpful when i see a friendly have the same problems i had, im more than happy to share what worked for me