Looking into getting an HPS... Where to buy and what kind/size for me?


Active Member
ok so im going to build a small grow room for aproximatly 2 plants, clones bought from a California cannabis club legaly. So im currently vegging one with 2 CFL's and will continue to while i build my grow box, Which will be about 2 feet by 2 feet and 5 or 6 feet tall.

So my question is What light would be best for that amount of space and to flower two clones nicely. I just want maximum yeild but would like to keep the price of the light around 150.



Uses the Rollitup profile
A 400 watt will be too much, that would give you 100 watts/sqft! So a 250 watt lamp will provide 62.5 watts/sqft, which is right where you want to be. Less heat to deal with, too.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
MH is better for veg whereas HPS is better for flowering.

I have a 400w HPS from HTGSupply. It grew the plant in my gallery and avatar. It will also be in my new cab which will be between 6-9ftsq. I love it. I never got a spare bulb. For $150ish shipped I can not complain by any means.


Well-Known Member
you can get a 250w hps for £35 in the uk so it cant be much moor wer you are? but thats all you need, good luck!!


Uses the Rollitup profile
You can veg a plant just fine with an HPS. Conversion lamps provide only 2/3 of the lumens anyway.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
Hey i got a 250 hps and growing 6 KC Brains KC-36 and 2 skunk as well as 4 very good bag seed. I used a hortilux 250 watt conversion bulb for vegging. I hope it wont to crowed in my grow box.:)


Active Member
ok so i re evaluated my grow box. Now im thinking 2 feet 6 inches deep, 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall. Will a 250 watt hps be enough light to grow 2 plants in this area?

Another thing is im wondering what kind of fans to get to keep it cool.

Thanks everone