Looking for user name Kite High

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Kite..I read a posting of yours the other day pertaining to Fem seed. I was slightly confused and I still have this question....can a feminized seed plant be used for breeding purposes. Can I take a different strain male and pollenate a feminized plant to make F1 seed?

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
well I sent him a message....it seemed as it went thru ...then I checked my notifications saying I had two private messages and it was the messages I sent him except it had his user name....?? I used it like any other email acct??

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Sunni...saw your post on Jibber Jabber...about getting boiling water on yourself...that sucks ..sorry to hear that...Hope that gets better quick for you!! Thanks for helping me out! Bear