Looking for tips for my first harvest, a few q's

So tomorrow is 7 full weeks. I am in no rush, one branch got broke off during the move to a new house and just before i moved i noticed spider mites before an infestation and took care of them with some DE powder and a homemade pepper/water spray. Still no sign of any spider mites coming back, that was roughly 10 days ago that i eliminated them before the move and still see no mite activity or them coming back at all.....hopefully. Anyway I dusted them with some DE, so now i'm trying to plan if I should spray/shower it now, or wait until it is done to wash just before drying/curing. Also I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimate how much longer i'm looking at. The hairs turned mostly red after the spray from heat/burning from the spray under the lights. As you can see there is a ton of new growth, which was halted when the mites showed up. Basically I noticed it seemed to stop growing/plumping 2 weeks ago, saw mites, eliminated, now the past 4 or 5 days the buds have really plumped up again and tons of new healthy looking hairs while none of the leaves are really yellowing at all. I figure at least another 2-3 weeks by guessing. Just looking for any tips, suggestions on someone's first harvest. Here are some pics. Thanks in advance for anyone kind enough to help. shot3.jpgshot2.jpgshot1.jpgmag1.jpgfull1.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea those buds still got some filling in to do. A good rule of thumb, Don't harvest until at least half of the hairs on the plant have turned red or amber.