Looking for Super Selected Strains

The only people that don't like "the gang" are the ones that aren't in it.
You and bob have actually bought into your own bullshit and believe you're the 'cool kids'. You being unconscious of your group psychology doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just me as you're ignorant in that area.
You and bob have actually bought into your own bullshit and believe you're the 'cool kids'. You being unconscious of your group psychology doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just me as you're ignorant in that area.
Damn Abe. You must have really been picked on in school.

Always talking about "cool kids" and "group mentality".

Maybe everywhere you go people relate to each other and find you weird, creepy and boring.

Hence why you feel the world is against you. Why do you hate women though? Still trying to figure that one out.
So this is a crazy coincidence. I was talking to a friend the other day, and he said that people were getting genetic markers from their Marijuana and patenting it like Monsanto does, and I was like "No, I am pretty sure no one in the Marijuana industry is on that level yet". And he looked it up and found out that there is 1 company in Boulder that is doing it.

Then about 2 days after that I meet someone who says she knows one of the PhD Geneticists that is involved in it, and she gets her to send a picture of her card for me. Then we finally just talked on the phone, and they completely understand what I am doing. I talked to the founder and everything, and they get what I am talking about.
You and bob have actually bought into your own bullshit and believe you're the 'cool kids'. You being unconscious of your group psychology doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just me as you're ignorant in that area.
Look here man idgaf what you think. Imho you're a pussy that must have been beat up all the time as a kid.

We all know who you are