Looking for suggestions


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I've had this idea about my nutrients and would like some input on it.
Guess I'll start with basic set-up
Flood-n-drain 2x3 trays, 3 in tent
4 x 8 x7 tent , 2-600's 1 T5HO 6 bulb
Dutch Masters gold Nutrients
For a while now when I'm in flower I've been running mainly the DMG gold flower nutes. Been doing a lot of reading and from what I've read extra nitrogen during flower slows and some what impedes bud development.
Now for the idea, the flower nutes are 5-8-9. What I have been doing is getting close to target PPM with the flower nutes, then adding DMG bloom booster which is Potash+. It has a 0-4-9 ratio til I reach target PPM.
I have been getting nice results doing it this way, just looking to improve. Would I be better off to get the higher PPM with the Potash+, then add flower til I get desired PPM or keep it the way it is?
Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanx in advance folks


Well-Known Member
Gonna test it out starting tomorrow when i do a res change. if they start showing signs of deficiency i can always bump the N back up.
Preciate the input.