Looking for Strains with African Genetics

Also, if you like cut a hole with a razorblade in the trunk of a plant, and the kill a bunch of glow bugs and rub their juice in the wound. Then like water the plant with 50/50 glow bug juice and water. Then stick electric diodes into the wet soil, and connect some to the plant at an in and out point at a distance in the plant, then hook up a car battery; it is possible to get the glow bug DNA into the plant. And who knows what would happen, but it could glow. You could also add genetics from a plant that glows.

Glowing isn't a guarantee, but it could get the Genetics in there.
Comedy GOLD! Bahhahahaahaa How do you come up with this stuff?
And this is a theory:

Sativa and Indicas have different effects, Indicas are more Sedating while Sativas are more uplifting or stimulating. But both of their main active ingredient is THC (some contain CBD and THCV, but those aren't in all or really even many of them). Lemonene has proven to be a mood enhancer on its own, Myrcene is a Analgesic on its own and helps THC cross the blood brain barrier so could make it stronger. Sativas are more fruity, Indicas are more spicy or woody (for the most part).

Then there is a second factor that could be creating these effects, the activation and deactivation of different CYP enzymes. Enzymes activation and deactivation could completely change the way THC is metabolized.
Shouldn't have to.
I have a big bush of the shit out front.

It doesn't contain any THC to my knowledge.

Your entire concept of growing and breeding has been disputed by pretty much everyone that has posted on ALL of your threads here!

"Post pics of your mom" and "OMG why are you germinating in rice?!" and "Why are you letting some plants die?!" is not rational argument.
Also, if you like cut a hole with a razorblade in the trunk of a plant, and the kill a bunch of glow bugs and rub their juice in the wound. Then like water the plant with 50/50 glow bug juice and water. Then stick electric diodes into the wet soil, and connect some to the plant at an in and out point at a distance in the plant, then hook up a car battery; it is possible to get the glow bug DNA into the plant. And who knows what would happen, but it could glow. You could also add genetics from a plant that glows.

Glowing isn't a guarantee, but it could get the Genetics in there.
now i KNOW you're bullshitting...

how's that litter of jackal-dogs coming?

hybridizing bugs and plants... would the plants lay eggs that grow into flying, glowing trees? or, would bugs hatch from seed and drop seeds everywhere?

how much do you make in a day trolling this website? do you get bitcoin checks, or just welfare?
"Post pics of your mom" and "OMG why are you germinating in rice?!" and "Why are you letting some plants die?!" is not rational argument.

When did I say any of that! I've never mentioned pictures of your mom, germinating in rice or letting your plants die. You have now graduated to lying as you can't come up with a rational rebuttal.

Pretty much the only thing I have called you out on is your inability to grow cannabis and your poor understanding of breeding.

Pathetic liar.
When did I say any of that! I've never mentioned pictures of your mom, germinating in rice or letting your plants die. You have now graduated to lying as you can't come up with a rational rebuttal.

Pretty much the only thing I have called you out on is your inability to grow cannabis and your poor understanding of breeding.

Pathetic liar.

You said "everyone that has ever posted against one of your grows was making rational arguments" and those were their "rational arguments". Way to deflect, but I don't think you are ready to run for Mayor just yet.
You said "everyone that has ever posted against one of your grows was making rational arguments" and those were their "rational arguments". Way to deflect, but I don't think you are ready to run for Mayor just yet.

And now you take things out of context. Here is the entire statement where you got you quote "Your entire concept of growing and breeding has been disputed by pretty much everyone that has posted on ALL of your threads here!"

Notice that I said "pretty much" meaning almost all but not quite everyone.

Pathetic liar!
And now you take things out of context. Here is the entire statement where you got you quote "Your entire concept of growing and breeding has been disputed by pretty much everyone that has posted on ALL of your threads here!"

Notice that I said "pretty much" meaning almost all but not quite everyone.

Pathetic liar!


You just proved yourself wrong, and even if you meant "most people" that is simply not true, you think the trolls in my threads are the minority? Lol.

For example, in the LED thread the only person making "rational arguments" is that guy using the word "blurple". And eventually he said "it just has a weird taste, the white LEDs would work fine".

1 person is not "almost everyone". It's 1 person.

You just proved yourself wrong, and even if you meant "most people" that is simply not true, you think the trolls in my threads are the minority? Lol.

For example, in the LED thread the only person making "rational arguments" is that guy using the word "blurple". And eventually he said "it just has a weird taste, the white LEDs would work fine".

1 person is not "almost everyone". It's 1 person.

Once again you prove my point that you are delusional.
Btw, I won't just be giving out clones of my strains. When I start the growers and breeders Confederation I will doing it by giving out clones of the Banana Crack, Malawi Gold, etc.
. . . . . . . But it's actually more of a sacrament than a medicine to me.
I have no native American blood, but I have played around with the Muscogee {Creek} Indian religion for about 30 years. Where ever the use of tobacco is used, I use my homegrown instead. I sprinkle it along with the red cedar boughs on the hot rocks in the sweat lodge. Whenever I say my prayers, I present burnt offerings to each of the four cardinal compass points as I ask the grandfathers for their blessings.

I know it sounds whacked, but it has worked for me.
Wedding cake is triangle mints which is made by seedjunky not jungle boys. Triangle mints aka wedding cake is triangle kush x animal mints. Animal mints is animal cookies x sinmint cookies.
I think I have the red headed step 2nd cousin to that cross. If my memory doesn't fail me, here goes. Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk. Well, maybe step 4th cousin.
Lol, I smoke only African weed on account of being an African.
Yes, white people can be African too.
Back in my Navy days we always went to the African bar in whatever town were were in {on a Med cruise}. They wouldn't try to cheat you the way the Europeans did. We smoked mostly hash, but did get some real seedy African weed a few times. Wish I had sent a few of those seeds home.