Looking for some help/general opinions on my cab grow


Active Member
Hello all, this is my first grow and i pretty much learned everything i know from these forums and faqs so thanks for that. I have 8 23w CFLS, 4 daylight 4 soft. Im not exactly sure on the genetics of the plants but i know they are sativa dominant.

The first pic is of the cab/lights/plants. You can barely make out a PC fan on the upper right, I have an exhaust and an intake fan and the temp is perfect (had only 4 bulbs and no fans yet when they were seedlings and holy crap did those 2 PC fans make a huge difference in the temp)

The 2nd and 3rd pics are the plant that is worrying me a bit. The new fan leaves are super thin and the old ones are dieing. I know you see a bit of yellow in the rest of the plants, but im about 99% sure that was just because i waited too long to nute them. None of the other ones have such thin leaves. Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Related info:
Scotts potting soil
Little bottle in 1st pic is yeast/sugar CO2

Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
If you are going to flower in there then do it now, you will have to tie them down and/or top them to prevent growing into light. I would rather say the burning leaves are from too much nutes. How much do you add? How often do you water your plants?


Active Member
The leaves started yellowing and such before i ever even started nutes. But low and behold, i woke up this morning and its looking way better! so i think it was deficiency. Im going to start flowering today or tomorrow probably, just gotta go pick up a timer. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
if alls working now then great, maybe it was an overwatering issue, theres so little cases of under nuting causing burnt leaves that i dont think it was that


Active Member
really? hmm...well there is one other possability, i was visiting family over break and didnt get to water them for a couple days, when i made it back they were bone dry and super droopy. Could that have done it? Like i said, and you can see, any of the new growth is nice and green, no yellow.

Any opinions on the 8cfls? I know its obviously not the best light, but sufficient for a decent yield?


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. Please get Garden Knowm's book. See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD The author tells how he grew 8oz of bud using 8-42 watt cfl's from 3 female plants. Your lights need to be placed better for maximum yeilds. Great start, constant improvement is your goal now. VV