looking for opinions on a career movement


Well-Known Member
so i used to work for a pretty good company, i got fired because of a stupid hair sample drug test, at the time it was devistating but i ended up finding a job i do not enjoy as much, but get a lot more paid time off, and more money ... its been a little under two years and the original company has an opening and ive gotten calls saying that i can get my old job back, my old job is a publicly traded company so they have sold off that whole division. ( a big head ache working for a company that sells off when ever things dont look profitable) but i liked the people i liked my job .. idk what is the best choice, i know it is a good problem to have but what would u rather:

have a job u like, with people who are still friends even years after u stopped working there but possibly not make as much and have to deal with seeing everyone else that now knows you smoke weed or atleast is assumi.g thats why u left one day and never came back

or have a job that isnt bad but pretty much sucks, on a bullshit shift with someone who sort of drives u crazy, but have way more paid time off and make more money .. along with more job security too i suppose

id be easier for me to simply stay here, all jobs suck more or less amd i get more time to myself away from work, i am working for money so why go where im not going to be making as much, but then again i believe there is a benifit to worki.g with friends and even id say a roll model of mine, it wasnt always great but i did not mi.d going to work as much .. if got a few weeks to decide, i always cruze this site so figured what the hell lets see what others would do, ultimitly it is my choice but im curiouse .... note: i k.ow i spell like a jackass, that is not a requirement for eather.job thankfully lol


Well-Known Member
Take more money and more time off but give the current company a 1 month notice. Lie to the current company you have to go take care of a sick relative. I am saying keep that door open if possible but either way, take the money and run son.


Well-Known Member
no its an engineering tech. position, but i did find out old company is selling and turning to a different company, itll be easier to stay where I am really and its probably what ill do for now


Well-Known Member
o nice, i just seen everone elses post, ya ill more tha. likely stay where I am, but that is a good poi.t about keepi.g this door open and just see what i can do with the other, if the old company thats getting sold still does hair tests there is no way (i tried everything i could fi.d onli.e to beat the last one and it didnt work lol )


Well-Known Member
Stay where you are at, use some of the extra funds to develop several sources of income. More than one source of income is where financial "wealth" building happens. Continue educating yourself on subject that you are interested in. The internet is a resource of college level information... if you know how to search for it.
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Well-Known Member
yup, i ended up staying where im at, the old employer is still calling me too, i could prob get a lil more money but already got vacations planned ndnt wana feel like im taking a step back... the more than one source of income is what im working on right now, shits stressfull but hopefully be worth it .. im lucky to have a job that can fund my other money making plans, now i just need the time

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Buy a cheap border town motel in a legal state not far from a university in a prohibition state. Bizz should be brisk on weekends for a while.

Steve Man

Active Member
I left my high paying job working for one of the big 3 last year and I've regretted it but looked at is aS a blessing at the same time. I lost my dope car and had a major falling out with most of my close family. But it's been about a year since and I have a house, wolf dog, wonderful girlfriend and a job that doesn't ever give me anxiety. Just think allot about it, I can only imagine where I would have wound up had I not left where I was.