Looking for nutrients recipe help

I wrote that when i was stoned, Here are some corrections,

"You can add extra iron or magnesium and not ever have to worry about calcium or magnesium deficiencies." Correction= You wouldn't have to worry about iron or magnesium deficiencies.

"These eight will make your part B concentrate" Correction= There is only 7 in the list..lol

I also forgot to mention to shake your concentrate while you're making it.

"increase this will increase sulfur amount" This was a note left for me, It should have said when you increase your magnesium profile in hydrobuddy your sulfur content will also increase because the compound to increase magnesium is called magnesium sulfate. It is basically a compound of magnesium and sulfur, increase one increase the other. Same with all compounds. This is where hydrobuddy comes in handy, does the math for you.

If you use the program "hydrobuddy" and select "ounces" as your mixing ratio it will post the results in grams. This is an error it is supposed to say "ounces" however the amounts are still correct.

If you use the program hydrobuddy some compounds are listed as other names. If you use the compounds in my list ammonium molybdate is not listed so I chose a similar compound called sodium molybdate. The difference is nill.

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I wrote that when i was stoned, Here are some corrections,

"You can add extra iron or magnesium and not ever have to worry about calcium or magnesium deficiencies." Correction= You wouldn't have to worry about iron or magnesium deficiencies.

"These eight will make your part B concentrate" Correction= There is only 7 in the list..lol

I also forgot to mention to shake your concentrate while you're making it.

"increase this will increase sulfur amount" This was a note left for me, It should have said when you increase your magnesium profile in hydrobuddy your sulfur content will also increase because the compound to increase magnesium is called magnesium sulfate. It is basically a compound of magnesium and sulfur, increase one increase the other. Same with all compounds. This is where hydrobuddy comes in handy, does the math for you.

If you use the program "hydrobuddy" and select "ounces" as your mixing ratio it will post the results in grams. This is an error it is supposed to say "ounces" however the amounts are still correct.

If you use the program hydrobuddy some compounds are listed as other names. If you use the compounds in my list ammonium molybdate is not listed so I chose a similar compound called sodium molybdate. The difference is nill.


very much absolutely helpful!

thank you
Lol .... Read

I've been doing DWC for 15 years and have never used a chiller. If your ambient temps are under control and have even minimal airstones and pumps, everything will be fine.

The biggest cause of root rot on RIU is letting the roots die, then they rot. The reason roots tend to die, from observing noob threads over the years.... is STARVING SEEDLINGS due to BAD ADVICE from other noobs..

Root rot comes from the roots.
I'm just saying the nutrient recipe can be broke down into 6 parts to give you everything you need an more , and it doesn't need to be split into A and B parts then if you want to run additives like root grower etc feel free but not necessary. also there should be 2 other stages added one between veg and flower and one at the end last week or so of flower. where are you getting your potassium sulfate from.
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Pure Blend Pro Grow/Bloom
Liquid Karma
Cal-Mag Plus

Rhizo Blast
Silica Blast

Feeding schedule is on their website.
I'm just saying the nutrient recipe can be broke down into 6 parts to give you everything you need an more , and it doesn't need to be split into A and B parts then if you want to run additives like root grower etc feel free but not necessary. also there should be 2 other stages added one between veg and flower and one at the end last week or so of flower. where are you getting your potassium sulfate from.

Designing an A+B that takes equal parts to a gallon of water is by far more convenient than having to screw around with a ton of additive bottles. (although having single salt stock solutions could be useful tools in designing your recipe in the first place, the additive changes should eventually be added to the A+B mix to "dial it in")
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Designing an A+B that takes equal parts to a gallon of water is by far more convenient than having to screw around with a ton of additive bottles. (although having single salt stock solutions could be useful tools in designing your recipe in the first place, the additive changes should eventually be added to the A+B mix to "dial it in")
Yeah I'm not sure you understand what I'm talking about , its basic 6 pack far more easier and advanced then that A+B stuff absolutely no additives so i'm not sure what you mean.
Yeah I'm not sure you understand what I'm talking about , its basic 6 pack far more easier and advanced then that A+B stuff absolutely no additives so i'm not sure what you mean.

I'm, not sure what's so hard to understand about this. 2 bottles in equal parts is far easier to deal with than a 6 part in some arbitrary parts. I can't understand why anyone would design a 6 part formula unless it's so they can sell 6 bottles (or to help them design a 2 part).
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Ok sorry its way over your head , and I'm just talking basic lol , sorry I thought you understood more about mixing nutes , your talking Jr.high stuff I'm talking university stuff . Thats just a reference on how far apart we are. 6 pack doesn't refer to 6 bottles or parts, when you 6 pack nothing gets bottled.
I agree with a previous post. People get too hung up on nuts and neglect other things. Get your lights right first off, get a nice air pump and air stones for your res. I have a 110 gallon plastic cattle tub I fill as my res. Its in my basement, i don't really have issues with it getting too hot. Check your PH and EC and get them dialed in correctly. as far as nuts go, i got a 25 lbs bags of tomato blend, a 25 lbs bag of cal and a tub of mag. I can make about 7000 gallons of plant food for about $170. Unless you are growing for a business, you know exactly how a specific strain will respond and are REALLY good at this, the extra cost for additives and specialty liquid mixes is a massive waste of money.

My Key Points:
- Get the largest res you can
- Get a good ph and EC meter (i have a wall mounted ones with probes that stay in my res all the time)
- Get you lights set up correctly
- I like to DTW (keeps ph from flipping out)
- buy reasonably priced nutrients. I like dry nutrients
- understand your grow media. Perlite, dirt, coco and vermiculite all require different things, learn them
- get a fan for your plants.

I am sure there is more, but its all i can think of.
Ok sorry its way over your head , and I'm just talking basic lol , sorry I thought you understood more about mixing nutes , your talking Jr.high stuff I'm talking university stuff . Thats just a reference on how far apart we are. 6 pack doesn't refer to 6 bottles or parts, when you 6 pack nothing gets bottled.

When you finally become interested in making your own nutes, make sure to shut your mouth. There are plenty of people here willing to help you, but only if you drop the attitude first.

6 pack doesn't refer to 6 bottles or parts

the nutrient recipe can be broke down into 6 parts to give you everything you need an more , and it doesn't need to be split into A and B parts

This post recommends breaking down into 6 parts. If that's not what you mean, please clarify. Btw, all of this requires a knowledge of high school chemistry. So far, nothing you've written requires a knowledge of anything.
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When you finally become interested in making your own nutes, make sure to shut your mouth. There are plenty of people here willing to help you, but only if you drop the attitude first.


Ok sorry its way over your head , and I'm just talking basic lol , sorry I thought you understood more about mixing nutes , your talking Jr.high stuff I'm talking university stuff . Thats just a reference on how far apart we are. 6 pack doesn't refer to 6 bottles or parts, when you 6 pack nothing gets bottled.

everyone has strong options on things, and debate is good. but lets try and keep it professional. Its not what you are saying will get you banned, its just people will stop responding to you. I also agree with you, with my grow operation growing, buying bottled nutes would eat me alive. I think a conversation about mixing your own would be great.
When you finally become interested in making your own nutes, make sure to shut your mouth. There are plenty of people here willing to help you, but only if you drop the attitude first.

lol when I learn how to make nutes, let me say this I forgot more about mixing nutes ,making formulas ,lab testing them , plant samples , percentages of nutes when to feed them , and mixing micro's all the same then most people period. I was posting in another tread about Boron, if you know what that is go read up you might learn something if your not to pig headed, there was no attitude Bro just saying how it is . we've been doing that shit for years , in fact there is tones of stuff that never shows up on these boards, I have nothing to prove to anyone and its guys like you that remind guys like myself why we don't come on here and give out the years and years of research and testing and knowledge we have done I don't need to argue with anyone.
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lol when I learn how to make nutes, let me say this I forgot more about mixing nutes ,making formulas ,lab testing them , plant samples , percentages of nutes when to feed them , and mixing micro's all the same then most people period. I was posting in another tread about Boron, if you know what that is go read up you might learn something if your not to pig headed, there was no attitude Bro just saying how it is . we've been doing that shit for years , in fact there is tones of stuff that never shows up on these boards, I have nothing to prove to anyone and its guys like you that remind guys like myself why we don't come on here and give out the years and years of research and testing and knowledge we have done I don't need to argue with anyone.

You're a Boron.
thats an intelligent response, it must have took you all day to come up that. ok let me ask you a few questions because if your designing something there should be data to back it up ,you said " We're designing that A+B stuff... we pick what goes in " so for your Part A&B veg. formula how did you determine what to use for nutrients , did you do any lab testing or plant testing to verify they are getting everything they need.

what controlled testing have you done to verify that the percentage of each nutrient is in the optimal range . I.E lab testing the formula to verify the percentage of each nutrient.( elemental PPM results) have you put it through controlled growing tests , and then do you have any plant sample testing to verify the amount of each of the nutrients ppm uptake in the plant including micro nutrients. this is very important as its really the only way to verify if your plant is up taking each nutrient in the optimal level, plants can be deficient or have to much of one or more nutrients without visually showing signs, so plants testing verifies its uptake. this should be the basic standard testing on designing a formula

also do you believe that a plants nutrient uptake evolves from week to week, in hydro plants can grow 7 -10-12 etc inches a week so do you believe a plants needs in week one is different then in week two vs week 3 and 4 etc. if yes can you specify what some of these changes/needs are including micro nutes , can you list the increased percentage form each A&B formula for each week in the plants cycle. how did you determine the percentage increase, do you have lab testing verifying the elemental in crease in ppm ,not the overall solution ppm .do you have plant testing to verify the the increase showing there is no deficiency or to much nutrient , especially for micro nutrients.
I'll start with this but I have more question