Looking for new auto Himalayan diesel vs rrf


Well-Known Member
So my first grow was speedy gonzales by flash. It was great and I always have love for the diesels.
For my second I am going to do autos with photos. When the autos are done I am going to flip the switch for the photos.
Basically I am looking for what strain to grow.
Right now I thinking either Himalayan diesel or russian rocket fuel.
I have had read some reviews but a lot of them seem conflicting. Looking for a nice high that gets you laughing.

If anyone has any personal comments about these two or another strain they would recommend drop a comment.


Well-Known Member
Russian Rocket Fuel is way better. I've grown both. IMO the best autos from Short Stuff are Auto Assassin and MI-5. I've also grown autos from Sweet Seeds (speed devil and sweet carmel cream) both very good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I will have to take a look at the strains you mentioned. I'll post what I decide on here when I purchase.


Well-Known Member
Jack - meant to meantion that I would not recommend Super Cali Haze from short stuff. All of their seeds failed, the two that popped didn't make it to harvest. Very fickle strain that IMO wasn't ready to be release to the public. Have talked with other who had the same results with this strain. I've tried all the strains Short Stuff has to offer, all except the super cali kick ass.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up. Super Cali Haze was actually one of the strains I was originally thinking about. Had some trouble finding good reports on the MI-5 but the auto assassin sounds like it is a strain loved by all who grow it.


Well-Known Member
Auto-Assasin is super heady, the marketing phrase - "boom you've been assasinated" is no joke. Definitely one of my top 3 all time favorite autoflowering strains