looking for jars


Well-Known Member
This might be a dumb question but anyone know any sites or stores for some nice air tight jars and prices?


Ikea has some pretty nice things. But it would really help to know what part of the world you are in?


Well-Known Member
I buy a lot of food goods that come in glass jars, picante sauce, spaghetti sauce, even little jars from pesto, and pickle jars. I didn't have to buy a single one last year and I have even more saved this year. Just a tip for those who hate throwing money around :) you got to clean them with a touch of warm bleach water and leave them to air dry for a few days before using.


Well-Known Member
Amazon bruuh, got dem $11 press-seal air-tight jars. They hold like.... 5+ ounces. Fun colors to choose from; like red, or nug-green, so everybody in sight knows you're carrying haha.


Active Member
post pics of the jars yall got, dont wanna buy so shity jars thats leaks smell, not good for curing, and thats not air tight