Looking for into these Sativas...


Well-Known Member
Price does not factor into how I feel, not in the least. When I bought the house I live in, back in 1987, I wrote a check for it, there has never been a mortgage on it since I bought it. I was able to retire at the age of 49-years old. Price of seeds is not a factor to me.

But some of us old timers who know his history feel very different about him than the puppies here who think he is some sort of superstar and who kneel before him and symbolically suck his dick with praise every chance they get.

You see; "almost universal praise for TGA" here because he hangs out here, so that makes him the resident rock star of breeding to the RIU puppies. But there are sites where if you just mention his name you will be laughed or ridiculed off the site, that is unless of course you are knocking him and or his gear.

BRAVO my friend. finally something true about Subs gear. agree 100%

Brick Top

New Member
I think i read somewhere that if you do it all right very little if any thc degrades when curing long term. So i bet your right
At a point where most growers think THC has to be breaking down, it has not yet reached it's peak levels yet. Non-psychoactive THCA is still transforming into psychoactive THC.

What I would suggest that everyone try is when you next jar a crop use one smaller than normal jar, say maybe a pint, and put 2, 3 or 4 pretty decent buds in it and once past needing to burp the jar any longer, put it somewhere out of sight, out of mind. A dark location with moderate temperatures like the back of a deep drawer, the back of a cabinet, in a shoebox in a closet. Maybe do the same thing with your next several crops and put aside one small jar of each, and then forget about them for about a year. In the mean time do as you normally do, but after about a year sample what was stashed for the long term. It will change the way you think about curing and long term storage and potency and in some cases even aroma and flavor.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Theres very few modern day breeders that work to the old standard ... IMHO a good share of the gear bred today seems to cater to younger people and kids... with all the Cherry candy kid flavors that seems to be popular right now. I liek a full bodied manly smoke , not soem candy store crap. When i look at alota breeders today i see dollar signs and a lil bit of greed....but not alota care adn concern for what tey put out... im not gonna mention names cuz everyone has diff tastes adn it would be unfair to center out anyone. I just choose not to buy those strains. Sadly liek Brick mentioned...alota the high end gear has changed soo much its not really in the same catagory anymore, liek DJ and SAG for instance. I miss Joey Weed man, all my Cindy and Apollo work is based on his genetics...he DID have the closest thign to orig Bros Grimm gear around.