Looking for House and Garden recipe for DWC


Active Member

I currently use General Hydroponics via the Lucas Formula for DWC plus superthrive and cal/mag.

I have heard great things about house and garden but the line seems to be complex.

Does anyone use house and garden for DWC and what do you think?

Does anyone have a formular to recommend for DWC?

dr herbal

hey buddy im doin my first run with h&g (with few added bits dutch master zone and growth tech silicon)) after switching from vita-link range.....im using the a&b(can get both grow and bloom but this cheeper n told just as good) roots exel bud xl (just added first time few days bk) and will be using there shooting powder seems very easy too use and getting some great results so far (in wk6 12/12) the a&b is bit anoying(you have too bubble it for 10min let the ph becomes stable) but if you go round half strength for late veg early flower(cf 1.2) then i personally upped the cf by 2 each rez change now at 1.8 and will drop it down too 1.2 when adding the shooting powder next rez change..........the ph in my system is great very stable set it then leave it till the next rez change all in all a great nuke line and have feeling il be using this line for a while one down side i should say there roots exel(best product by far) but dam expensive round the 35 pounds if ya uk
hope helps ya bud
dr h


I just recently switched because they got recommended to me by a couple highly trusted growers. If you don't already have one, an EC meter is essential to dialing in those nutes properly. I try to keep mine in the 1.2 to 1.6 range as I am using rdwc.

I haven't finished a grow with them yet, but they seem to be doing the job just fine.