Looking for help with fresh air circulatioin issues

I recently moved to the desert and want to set up my room and realized I cant simply draw fresh air from outside, where it's over 100 degrees everyday, and maintain a proper temp. Can anybody give me suggestions on this matter? I have central air, but it that really fresh?!? Im thinking of using a window air conditioner in an adjacent room n drawing from there. Does any body have any other suggestions?

Thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
Draw air in from another room, if possible draw from all adjacent rooms. You could end up with a large volume of conditioned air to pull from. remember, you would like to exhaust just a little more than you draw in. negative pressure in the room. What are the dimensions of the room? What size is the window unit? Is the room sealed? What size lamps? Hydro? Chiller? If you can keep the room 72 and the res out of the lights, then you might not need a chiller. 70-65 for the res.
Hey thanks HappyBro and JuiceMan! The room itself is about 12x15. I plan to use 4 1000w Hps. I guess I'll draw from the room next door, which will contain the window unit. I'll have to go and check out that unit you posted. Inside the main room I will be using a 6" or 8" blower fan attached to a filter and exhaust into my attic, as well as some type of inline fan pulling fresh air from next door. I will most likely just cut a hole low in the wall; fresh air room to be fitted with a vent plate and the main room to have the fan attached to the wall via ducting/transition of some type. With the 6 or 8 inch fan move more air than my wall intake, Im assuming that my pressure shall be fine, keyword, assuming...
Ive never had to deal with this notice cuz I moved from a relatively mild and moderate climate in the NorthWest. So I guess my next question will be about central air. If the whole house is cooled via central air and Im pulling air from the room next door, is this truly fresh air? Or just recycled air that may not provide what a plant would need to thrive. FYI, Im using soil and I do plan to inject Co2 into the atmosphere. Im hoping that will maybe alleviate needing to get fresh air from outside. Then again, we all know what can happen with assumptions. What's your opinion on the central air, cuz really it wouldn't be much to install a window unit in the adjacent room. Is this a nike case of just do it. My budget extends to the point of getting everything the best I can without buying the new hot item like the lazer disc, expensive as all hell when it came out and where did it go?!?! Ive learned from other generations mistakes! Stick with what works.

Hey, thanks again. Im new to the site and pleased to see that someone actually replied already.

Live long and long live.....


Unclebudman i think the better term would be "new" air not necessarily fresh outdoor air. Just need to replace the air that is exhausted. Curious about your power draw with 4 1000 watt bulbs. Have you already ran new circuits to the room. How much do you think it will cost to run them per month? I want to use 2 1000's in a 7x5x8 room. I think it will cost about 260 just for the lights.


Well-Known Member
some businesses these days are using cold water to cool their buildings - or running air through reservoir chambers of ice to cool the air before sending it where ever it needs to go... you could employ something similar yet simpler - freeze a kitty litter box (or the largest container you can move) with ice and set it right below your intake fan (always have another being frozen while one is being used) - then all you have to worry about is humidity/moisture...

Depending on how it is done - low amounts of nutes/supplements could be added to the water before frozen to be slowly sucked into your room (micro-foliar feeding / atmosphere conditioning)