Looking for help choosing a 240w Kingbrite for a 2x4

I'm going to be growing with a 4 inch duct size in a 2x4, and I'm going to go with a 240w from Kingbrite on Alibaba - but even with it that narrowed down, I'm not sure which of these to choose, but I've been trying to do my homework so I have a few specific questions.

1. It seems I can get red/blue LEDS in other formats and set them up for side lighting, so I should skip having them on my board
2. I've seen it recommended that 3500k is the correct style if I plan to use the same light from seed to harvest (I may do my seed growth outside the tent, but Veg and Flower will definitely both be done with this light.
3. Some of their kits seem to be pre-assembled and some are DIY, I don't mind putting in a few extra screws and saving some money, but I want to make sure its the same kit either way
4. I see the option (and it's barely more $) to upgrade it to IP65, is this necessary/preferred in a 2x4 or is this for people building rooms with misted irrigation or some other reason for being high humidity in the grow room?

If anyone can suggest an exact model or shed some more "heh" light on the subject as to other decisions I might have to make, that would be helpful.

Thank you for your help
I'm sure there are other growers on this forum more experienced with Kingbrite lamps so I won't comment on the model-specific questions.

1. Sidelight is a nice addition to over-light. I would first do a grow without any additional lights as I think you'll see decent results with 240W in an 8 sq ft space even without side light. Unless you want to buy the side lights with your main light to save on shipping or hassle, I would try a grow without side light then upgrade if I felt they are needed.

2. Yes, indeed. 3500K is a balanced white light spectrum that works well seed to flower. 3000K has more red, which growers typically use during flowering and 4000K or 5000K has more blue, which growers typically use during veg. 3500K is a good middle ground.

4. If the entire lamp as a whole is IP65 classed for a few extra bucks then I'd say it's worth the money. Most lamps are not waterproof at all and I haven't heard of any accidents. But if the cost is negligible and you would feel more comfortable with waterproof lamps then, by all means, go for it.
The waterproof option drops the ppfd by about 6%. At least according to the numbers Vicky gave me. Not much. But personal preference really. It's just a cover over the diodes vs exposed diodes.

From what I understand, the reds and blues have a shorter lifespan than the lm301h diodes. Not sure how much. Didn't really look into it. But if that concerns you. Get the 3500k board, and purchase the reds, and or uv separate. ( or not at all. Decide later if you want)

Other than that. Choose if you want the newest diodes (h) or the older diodes... and if you want dual or single heatsink.

Dual heatsink allows you to move the panels around independently. Single heatsink, they will always be stuck together at the same spacing.

There is also options that look 100% identical to each other on there. But theyre slightly different. Ie heatink thickness. Etc.

I just purchased my first LED setup from kingbrite. Not an expert my any means when it comes to LED. But I did pester Vicky to no end on getting all the differences nailed down... lol

I find the way the alibaba stores layout to be a bit confusing due to all the double posts and items that are almost identical but not quite. When you're looking for the difference between two posted items, look at the model number in the details. If theyre the same, it's a double entry. If theyre not. Look closer. Ie. Some have a x2 in the model. Some have a *2. There is a difference.

More than happy to point out the differences if you post what you're considering. Just went through all this so it's fairly fresh in my mind.
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Thank you both for the assistance, I’ve been talking with one of their reps as well and I’m working through the choices, tho after shipping the 260w HLG kit looks quite tempting. Will update after I make the decision.