Looking for good seedbank to order from


Active Member
I am looking for a good seedbank to order from that will ship to florida.I was thinking of Dr.Chronics or Nirvana.Any help would greatly be appreciated.


Active Member
if you want af check out Dutchbreed.com out to my door in 6 days super stealth. i have 2 of thier af's in the ground as we speak. also on the forum they have there is a contest every month were you just say put me in and at end of month they draw a winner... last month i won. choice of seeds 1 pak and a shirt. check it out
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Well-Known Member
Both Doc and Nirvana- to my door in 4 buisness days in the NE US....top quality products too....i gotta try the canadian seed banks, but i've been sticking with what works...i'd like to get some of those canadian genietics though.....:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Anybody ever pay with a credit card (not pre-paid)? How risky is that? Ill be ordering seeds soon so Im just curious.


Well-Known Member
LOL you got to pay with a card online unless paypal or something but Yh its cool LOL the website isnt gonna grass you up lol . and in the uk we can buy SEEDS


Well-Known Member
Seems most people prefer to use money orders or pre-paid credit cards that why I asked. Id prefer to just use my card if its safe though. But Im a bit cautious knowing whats going on in my spare bedrrom closet.


Well-Known Member
OK seeds ordered from nirvana on wednesday night the 11th, lets see how long it takes to get here. So excited, virgin seed buyer, cant wait to grow some quality smoke!