Looking for feedback


Well-Known Member
Hello. Haven't posted in a long time, just looking for some advice on improvements
Nothing specific.

This is my second grow. My first grow i tried to put 4 plants in my 2x4 tent, it quickly became unmanageable and I also wasn't watering enough, let them grow to tall and the light burned them, ended up with a hermie and harvested some seedy buds that still got the job done but definitely not ideal.

For my 2nd grow I decided to only put these 2 plants in.

Im using a cheap 315 cmh i bought on Amazon (footprint is not ideal)
Mother earth brand coco with perlite
General hydroponics nutrients trio
Water from the tap (well)
2x4x5 vivosun tent
Nirvana seeds feminized Northern lights

Currently 28 days into flower. Not sure why the 2 dramatic height differences, they received the same light coverage/nutrients through there life. I topped them early on but thats all for training.

Just bought a 130w qb kit from hgl to put side by side with the cmh for better coverage (maybe to much?)

Not really looking for anything specific just some feedback and advice for improvement. Next grow i plan on doing more lst after topping to attempt to get a better canopy coverage.



Well-Known Member
I would put a stake in each branch angled outward and really open the girls up as much as you can. The tall one is getting pretty close to the light. You could always "supercrop" any branches that are too tall. They look a little hungry to me. Feed lately?


Well-Known Member

1. Pluck those yellow leaves off.
2. Using well water. check your ppm of the water. Well water is usually really high.
3. The plant on the left looked like it was stretching. There is a few ways to stop that. ( Height of the light, and proper training... you can twist the stem with your thumb and pointing finger until it kind of folds over. You would usually hear a cracking sound.
4. Get some beneficial microbes and hygrozyme they are your bestfriend.


Well-Known Member
I have been following this feeding schedule I found to a tee. Watering every other day and giving notes every other watering
I wouldn't pluck the yellow leaves off. Your plant is pulling nutrients from those leaves and bringing them to the bud sites. No need to yank em off unless they're dead/brown.


Well-Known Member
I have been following this feeding schedule I found to a tee. Watering every other day and giving notes every other watering

Feedings every other day is way too much. You should generally feed once a week unless your plants are visibly hungry or going through a crazy growth spurt. All that extra feed is just sitting in your coco, possibly creating a toxic environment for the roots.
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Well-Known Member
Watering every other day is probably hurting the plants a lot more than it's helping them. The quickest way to make your girls sick is overwatering. That's how you get root Rot and all kinds of other fungus issues. Only water when the top 1-2" of the pot is dry. Watering every other day is probably your biggest problem right now, and most likely why your plants are struggling so hard. Also, feeding every other day is WAY too much. You should generally feed once a week unless your plants are visibly hungry or going through a crazy growth spurt. All that extra feed is just sitting in your soil, possibly creating a toxic environment for the roots. Water and feed WAY LESS bro!!
Its coco not soil. If it goes 3 nights without watering they will really droop from dehydration. I learned this on my last grow.


Well-Known Member
Watering every other day is probably hurting the plants a lot more than it's helping them. The quickest way to make your girls sick is overwatering. That's how you get root Rot and all kinds of other fungus issues. Only water when the top 1-2" of the pot is dry. Watering every other day is probably your biggest problem right now, and most likely why your plants are struggling so hard. Also, feeding every other day is WAY too much. You should generally feed once a week unless your plants are visibly hungry or going through a crazy growth spurt. All that extra feed is just sitting in your soil, possibly creating a toxic environment for the roots. Water and feed WAY LESS bro!!
what do you mean.. feed once a week, I feed 6 days straight and water on the 7th. feeding until a lot of run off comes out is not good idea. The only time you want run off is when its straight water.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean.. feed once a week, I feed 6 days straight and water on the 7th. feeding until a lot of run off comes out is not good idea. The only time you want run off is when its straight water.
My bad bro, I didn't realize you were in coco. I don't know shit about growing in coco except that you want to make sure that you have 20% runoff when you feed/water so you don't get salt buildups.