Looking for feedback on my buds!!!

Hi this is my first time here so go easy on me if I am going about this incorrectly.
anyways I have two plants over 4 ft from seed and 5 clones at 3 1/2 ft, they have been flowering for 3 1/2 weeks. I am wondering if they should have more crystals??? the taller ones have none the clones have some. Do they look healthy?


rookie 420

They look Sativa dominent, what strain? If they are Sativa dominent than trichomes(chrystals) may just be right around the corner, I've seen them just multiply exponentially over a weeks time out of nowhere.
well thank you so much! I have had a couple people who havent seen my plants tell me that they are four feet tall cause they are searching for light! I wasnt so sure because they are under 1000 watt hps! its usually 3-4 ft high above the plants otherwise they burn. The taller ones from seed maybe a sativa strain but the clones came from my friends hubby so not sure but I think they are mix. we both started our clones around Nov. 11th and his are no more than 18 in. and he has a week of bud left. his bud is same size as mine but more crystals. He says hes gonna get way more than me yet if you saw them its obvious that taller plants hold more bud! He controls his plants every move with chemicals while I like to give my plants room to do what they know how to do already.


Well-Known Member
agree the trichs will start showing in a week or two

they look really by the way

and I think you'll win that bet :weed:
Thank you guys very much! My last grow was over 6 years ago and this one has done way better than any I have ever had! I just followed my instinct and listened to my plants and not so much everyone else!
When would be a good time to stop with the chemicals? I have been using earth juice flower and superthrive. I have kept the chemicals to a minimum since using a rich in nutrients soil meduim that I mixed up myself. How many weeks left do you think?