Looking for books

I only ask here because the rest of the forum is random people talking about their opinions on growing. The "advanced" forum which you seem so proud to be a poster in barely discusses advanced shit and i can't find many book threads at all. Stop trying to act like bad words mean shit and get off your stupid ass high horse. Nobody gives a fuck about you saving face in an argument. You got book recs cool. You wanna be a sarcastic bitch and act like I'm the dumb cunt starting shit I'll tell you to fuck yourself. Now please, fuck off. As entertaining as you are all I'm looking for is a big list of books that aren't filled with Instagram grower opinions.

I didn't mean to upset you so much.

You would probably benefit from these books.


That first rec was really the type of thing i was looking for, would've loved more in this thread. But you've provided fuck all but your butthurt ass. Why would I give a fuck about communicating with you lol who are you ? Did you write a book ? Are you the master grower of the century ? Get your head out of your ass
I'm looking for books. I read the one straw revolution and I've been reading the first teaming and I was wondering what other stuff you guys recommend in that vein ? Even non cannabis horticulture books that you'd recommend as valuable in regards to growing. Hopefully we can get a nice phat list going my guys
Have you tried reading instagram? Pretty sure you can find everything there.
Im thinking just use your phone. Every book on the planet on your phone or on instagram. How do you not know this? No offense.
I can't tell if you're joking. In case you arent then for the umpteenth time, LOOKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ON GROWING MARIJUANA BOOKS THAT ARE NOT A BUNCH OF FUCKING INSTAGRAM VOODOO PSEUDO-SCIENCE. RECOMMENDATIONS. I don't need you to download it for me. Again if you're joking, I apologize.
I can't tell if you're joking. In case you arent then for the umpteenth time, LOOKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ON GROWING MARIJUANA BOOKS THAT ARE NOT A BUNCH OF FUCKING INSTAGRAM VOODOO PSEUDO-SCIENCE. RECOMMENDATIONS. I don't need you to download it for me. Again if you're joking, I apologize.
Have you read Arthur Moats book? Thats what i read to become a better gardener. Bigger yields for sure. And plant health!!!
Ya it was just a joke. I laughed. Not laughing at you. Anyhow, I need help with my tomato garden. I planted so many tomatoes over the years they sucked all the nutrients out of the soil me thinks. I'd try something good technique maybe from a no-till book sure if there's a recommendation for that.