looking for advice


I just want to say thanks in advance to any help i get it is much appreciated. Im having a small issue with one of my plants (5weeks). I recently transferred her to a 1 gallon grow bag. Im using a coco husk and perlite mix and i have a 150hps. temp is average 76-78, 50% humidity. exhaust fans, fresh air, and circulating fan inside a nice cabinet. The plant i transfered is wilting/drooping. I dont have a pic yet but will try to post soon. From reading threw the post on here i figure its just acting up from the move, but i also watered it a good amount. Just wondering what to do from here? again any help is greatly appreciated.


If everything else is normal like you stated, then probably just some minor root shock. I would not water anymore. If you prewaterd your soil that you were going into, then your fine on water.
alrite dude, iv had them wilting randomley b4.
im not sure on wat the temp is converted but if it gets hotter than 34 celsius you'll get sum serious wiltig like. try shaking her by hand a few times a day like it was really windy. over 2 or 3 days she should straiten up again as you encourage her to strenghten up.

hope this helps


thanks again everyone im new to the forum and its nice to no that you guys are willing to help out and again much appriciated