looking for advice plz peepz!!

e4 grower

Active Member
hey thanks for reading

im a noob at this iv done alot of reaserch but i just need to know weather my set up will get me from veg to flower with nice bit of bud with out changing light also im on a tight budget.

my set up is 1, 1ft t5fluor tube another 1ft fluoro and 1 compact fluoro which is low wat im not sure on the info on the lights but they are very bright and let of lil heat, i am also useing a small fan for strong stem and ventalation.

my grow room is 2 foot long 1 foot deep and bout 4-5 foot high and iv coated the walls in foil.

will this set up get me from veg to flower with a nice bit of bud thank for any info and for nutrients im useing baby bio

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
YOu wanna get rid of the foil (apparently can burn the plants coz it can heat up...)

Add an extra tube or 2 tubes would be better if you wanna flower...

Buy a timer and set it to 12 hours on 12 hours off and plug everything into it

That should get you some bud and should be ready to harvest in a couple months! I also recommend getting something which boosts the phosphorous in the water which causes bigger buds - I'm using vitalink buddy which I THINK is doing something...not sure though coz its only my first time :blsmoke:

Thats what I've been told anyway!

e4 grower

Active Member
ok thanks m8 iv got times and all that so u think i should got 1 or two more tube to be on the safe side

and thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
don't you mean 2700K for flower? I don't think I've seen a 3700???
Every manufacturer has bulbs in different ranges. 3700 K is an easier range to find, But, 2700 K would be a better choice. I just did not want the guy going nuts trying to find something that was less common and hard to find. But if he stumbles across 2700 K by all means, buy them.