You can grow anything that requires less than full sunlight and does not get tall and skinny.
I'm partial to Streptocarpus but any member of the African violet family (gesneriads) will grow and flower great under artificial light.
Two winters ago my house heading system failed and I had to call in an emergency 'no heat'.
I had my grow in the basement about 10feet from the heating system. When the tech arrived to troubleshoot I had two Cannabis plants and about a dozen Streptocarpus in full bloom under my lights. The tech was totally fascinated by the Streptocarpus and apparently never noticed the cannabis among the other plants.
Many types of orchids do great as well. The low-light types like Phalenopsis do the best but higher light species like Cattleya and Ascocenda also do well. I've grown about 50 different species and hybrids of Orchids under fluorescent, HID and LED lights. For these plants you need to up the humidity to about 40%-50% but otherwise they are easy.
This summer while the Cannabis was growing outside I grew Kong coleus under my lights. Easy to grow and spectacular as a mature plant.
No pollination is required for flower production. Most gesneriads are self-pollenating so you will have seeds whether you want them or not if you grow gesneriads.
If you are interested in manipulating plants by photoperiodicity like Cannabis: Christmas cactus, Poinsettia or Chrysanthemum respond just like Cannabis to long and short days.
Realistically, you can grow almost anything under artificial light. Don't be afraid to experiment.