Looking for ACDC clones or similar in San Francisco


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know who carries ACDC clones from Midnight Farms?
I am looking for a 20:1 CBD:THC strain so if you know of any others that meet this ratio or come close please let me know. Harborside Oakland had this strain a couple of weeks back but say that they rarely see it and are out of stock. Once again, I'm looking in and around SF.


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind going to Santa Cruz, Kind People's dispensary has them now, according to Weedmaps. I got one a couple years ago. It grew fairly well considering the lousy conditions I provided, but I was growing for my wife to use it on her arthritis and migraines and she was not impressed. But don't let that deter you from trying AC/DC. Also, the AC/DC cut Kind People has now could be better than the one I bought two years ago. They get it from Midnight Farms.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know where to get acdc now? Harborside in San Jose used to carry it all the time from midnight farms but I havent seen it on their menu since new years.. Is midnight farm still active?

I grew this cut out late last year and it was legit but I didn't get any of my clones to root.. Figured no big deal I could grab it l again.. And now I can't find it..

Someone pleas help point me in the right direction, I need this strain for medicinal purposes