Looking for a water pump


I would like to automate my watering by having a pump grab water from a reservoir and distribute it onto my medium. Will a fish tank pump work? It does have to draw that much water. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Aww I see. I am assuming you are asking if it's FLOOD or drip and I am going to say drip. I would like to position a hose near the base of my plants and have water come in a timed interval. And let me say that I apologize first hand if I am totally describing it wrong. I'm a jackwad, but I'm motivated and ready to learn. Be doin a shit load of reading for well over q month and now I'm ready to ask specific questions not covered in my reasearch I.e. Water pump?


I am trying to complete this scenario

"....They have PH testers that when hooked up to a H20 Pump will turn the pump on when the PH moves out of the desired range. You use them by hooking them up to a small tote filled with water PH'd very low. When the PH rises the tester will kick the pump on, the pump should be set up to pump from the small tote into your 5 gallon reservoir. This will pump enough low PH water into your reservoir to stabilize PH automatically while you are gone. This will also help to keep your res topped off."

When he says H20 pump, what kind? This person ia doing the same thing I want to do.


Active Member
a small pond pump should work,start with a cheap 100gph and see were you stand, it should be enough for drip unless you have a large setup