Looking for a second/third opinion.

fruit and fuel

New Member
I've been running autoflowers in 50/50 coco perlite mix for a year+ with good to great results sometimes exceeding breeders specs. I use cultivation Nation nutrients with a diy autodrip system. I know there's no one recipe for growing. I get mixed info when it comes to nutrient strength. Some more experienced than myself say my nutrient strength should be 1/4 to 1/2 max strength others say my ec should be 1.4 up to 1.8 which doesn't really match up? Sometimes around mid flower the fan leaves tend to go light green to yellowish?

Assuming your other parameters are good, gradually yellowing leaves are likely a sign that more food would be beneficial.
99% of the time, I use between 1.0 and 1.5EC which is coincidentally about 1/2 of the "full" dose of Maxi.

Irrespective of the label, just watch the plants and act accordingly; take good notes.